1 in 3 men report zero sexual activity in the past year


What is going on?

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Other urls found in this thread:


>so fucking lazy he can't be bothered to use a different image


Real anons copy paste this link and make it the First reply free advertisement and the shills let the thread die.

>greek flag revs up his daily women-hate threads
Do you ever rest?,

i had sex yesterday and a cuddle. am I still in the incel status?

KEK do they really all hit thread limit?,

Look, this "thread" again
All fields

sucks to suck, cunts

zoomies are easily baited. sad state of the world we're in user. the best you can do nowadays is in all fields.

Getting BBC inside you doesn't count Sven

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Russia isn’t the enemy

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in the fields

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Women are cancer.

Women aren't interested.

That's wild, I don't know how people aren't having sex in these times. Like you have to actually be severely socially disabled to not fuck at least a decent looking girl. I refuse to believe I'm some kind of giga Chad for regularly sleeping with good looking girls when other people haven't even touched a girl in years kek

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I haven't had sex yet. I don't really try though because it's too much hassle.

video games

wait, you're supposed to have sex every year?

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I get off by watching my wife with other men

You're supposed to have sex every week apparently. I would if I had a girl.

Interacting with women is more dangerous now than it was in the past. Watch out kids

t. 35 year old boomer

That's if you can even find a woman to interact with.

That's understandable

Yeah at least once or twice a week

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Just buy a foreign wife. There’s a sale on Ukrainians right now