
Seeing lots of bullshit on both sides of this war.

What's Any Forums's opinion on propaganda?

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if it's funny, i support it

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The Ukraine propoganda mostly matches what is being reported in Russian media. Make of that what you will.

Propaganda is fucking gay I want the truth

That North Korea doesn't have shit on Western propaganda.

Doesn't matter. You dint want Russia and China on top.

It makes me think the party in power earn money by fooling westerners into giving a lot of gibs and the ukranian civilians pay the price

A government that cared about its people wouldn’t tell them to Zerg rush T90 tanks with molotovs in an unwinable war

i'm digging this meme if anything

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Riiiiiight….. Rusian prop saying the “ghost of Kiev killed 10 ruskies”

>What's Any Forums's opinion on propaganda?

it's part of war

hollywood is the greatest propaganda machine that ever existed
hollywood can get you to slap your mom

Just be contrarian.

If 50% of the population automatically disagrees with the media for no other reason than the media said it.. then by definition propaganda can't work.

Russia is based, rest are cringe.

That's such solid logic

>Seeing lots of bullshit on both sides
What I'm seeing is 80% globalhomo and 20% Russian.
Also everyone ignores why democrats are fighting Russia now.

It's foolproof lol. Even reverse psychology cant work because if they come out and say "vaccines are bad for you don't take them".. Pol would rush to get them but the 50% of Reddit would stay away from vaccines like the plague. There is no way to get more than 50%

I think his name is Carlson.

do people think jets are just fucking flying around waiting for other jets to show up?

i don't know, look how easily both liberals and conservatives get led around owing to their hardcore contrarianism. the deep state got liberals to rehabilitate john mccain with trump while sabre rattling at russia activated conservatives' neocon instinct

Why no more than 50, glownigger? Is it human nature/part of how society functions or is it by design?

It's quite tiresome, honestly. Even after a nuke lands there'll be people writing bullshit about it.

i hope its real

archive link?

It's part of life. Go fight on your terms, not your faggot leaders'.

Watching all of my normie friends and family eat it up.

I refresh myself with historical facts. I remember how people lie about wars during the war, and then we find out that is was BS often years later. Both sides do it.

Never forget that there were atrocities and collateral damage my Ukrainians against Russians in 2014.

>Watch ya back ghost, cuz imma comin'

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Spoken like a true Andrews cumslut.
How does it feel to be a subject with no constitutional rights? How does it feel to live in a non-country that literally is a registered corporation? How does it feel to be in the top5 cucked nations of the planet?
>inb4 y-you p-poor you t-t-t-turk gugugayr-r-reek

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Propaganda is the basis for all human communication in the modern day.

Propaganda about this Carlson is hilarious.

Kikes lies* hohol lies = Top kek