Wtf why is the GOP openly pro-globohomo now???

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Always has been.

They always have been. The mask has just come off finally.

Always were

Dark days are ahead for the far-right. Somehow... I think we're gonna lose this one, bros.

>why are american politicians championing the selling of more weapons by the companies who fill their reelection coffers

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Read it carefully, OP

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I wish these faggots would actually give a shit about the country they were elected to serve

fpbp and /thread
lets wrap it up people, threads are dying to keep this up

Zionism, another SAD example.

Becasue the drums of endless wars for Israel is beating again

Nigger...the GOP are one of globohomo's biggest cheerleaders and literally always have been.

Can someone please explain to me how supporting Ukraine is pro globo homo? Is it just that they don't like Russia

In subbed to FOX News on yt and it's all anti-Russian propaganda

nah, supporting ukraine expands the american empire. Russia doesn't want to be america's bitch and america can't have that

Because hes got more balls than 90% of you fucking retards
children should not have to die in this because you THINK you are fighting globohomo when youre really not.

Putin is the globohomo king he helps push it on us with his friends.

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Retard, GOP is just globohomo with a 5-year time delay. They're in favour of the dumb US agenda like anyone else

Like Zelensky does?

>Why am I just now waking up to reality Anons?!?!11

>American is surprised about why American politician is supporting war when the same weapons companies fill his coffers
Are you retarded or something?


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Don't you know most republicans are like "Judeo-Christians" or something?



Fpbp. OP as always is a raging nigger faggot

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wouldn't boomers know this?

>trump confirmed /ourguy/

Russia is also a puppet of the WEF. Russia isn't "based", they're just as globalhomo as the rest of the world.

> Wtf why is U.S politicians Always pro-war.


If you haven't noticed, the population is brainwashed, just trying to appease to their stimuli is all.

putin got kicked out of the WEF for not being kosher enough bro

Nigger are you new? Neocons are always going to shill for war.


“God bless Jews”

This is the same slogan Republicans have had since they decided to free the slaves

Zelensky wasn't elected, you autist. He was installed just like the bumbling retard in the White House.

This. Controlled Opposition isn't real opposition


Boomers replaced their brains with corn syrup decades ago

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Soros and the CIA orchestrated a revolution, civil war and coup in 2014 of their democratically elected President to install an endless line of globalist puppets. Zelensky is just the latest. We aren't anti-Ukraine necessarily, but anti-globohomo influence moving eastward.

From the past year you'd think Kabul and Kiev were American cities the way politicians and the media talk about them.

>god bless

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You never heard of the uniparty?

They're just anti-war you schizo. It's SUCH a safe position to take, it's a no-brainer.

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>Putin is the globohomo king

You're legit retarded

Putin literally gave a speech in front of Klaus Schwab a couple weeks ago denouncing globalism and saying it will never work because Europe has too much history and heritage. It will always be met with rejection.

The American government is a farce. These are some of the dumbest people in the world.

>Be jim Jordan.

>Watch 9 kids get molested by your coach friend.

>Use position to not get in trouble.

Republicans love army shit. Expect Mitch to be blowing Biden under the podium during the State of the Union.

>dumber than the retards who vote for the jew-party system


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because it's all globohomo.
Putin is also globohomo he's just a Russian controlled Globohomo.
The west is a Hegemony, at least each nation has its national sovereign leader. They have looser control through means of influence and treaties and trade.
but Russia's an empire, they prefer direct control over their territories, and the Soviets squashed populist protests in Czechoslovakia and Hungary and people don't forget that.
China's a bit of a hybrid. They want total authoritarian rule of a regional area, and hegemony control over the rest of the world.

There’s a lot of blatant propaganda on Fox right now, it’s actually worse than the liberal news, I didn’t want to believe that conservatives would jump back into this war mongering thing this quickly but it happened

>politicians absolved of their crimes and deception and collusion with intel agencies to deceive the people

came here to post this.
Reminder if the US stays on this path, the GOP will be preaching transgender surgeries for children in the future.

I’m not knowing American politics but wasn’t this the man that concealed evidence of homosexual rapes occurring at his university and harassed victims into not coming forward?