Oy Vey

Heartbreaking. Let’s send her our thoughts and prayers.


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>lifetime politicians responsible for gun control and false flag school shootings
am I supposed to feel something right now?

hopefully the grief kills this kike cunt

>getting so butthurt she exists you applaud the husband's death
I get this is Any Forums, but you are one sad little faggot, OP.

Kommiefornian here,
I hope she dies in her grief

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Attached: Feinstein jew .gif (434x480, 1.66M)

Diane Feinstein has triple citizenship, US, Israel, and China.

China does not allow dual-citizenship but this bitch is an exception. She also speaks PERFECT Mandarin with no accent.

You've posted this like 3 times already, faggot. We get it, the Jewish lady triggers you.

Is she the Chink spy woman?

man can you imagine the stank on that cunt?

Found the kike

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Literal gremlin

grief is a mammalian emotion though

Both of them had a hand in ruining California

source? Can't find shit. Thanks

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who will take over the insider trading now?

He’s with Moloch now, his suffering has just begun.

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Shame it was him and not her.

Recent headlines said politicians can't play that game anymore. It's an excuse to sell before the crash this time kek


There was a video quite popular on here about a year ago where a CCP insider was speaking about it to a Chinese audience. He doesn't name her, but drops hints which would be significant to those who already know about Feinstein's driver being a CCP spy.

He refers to her and other such Jews as the "old friends of China."

You really sound like a newfag when you ask for "sources" on everything. This isn't ten years ago, friend. Sources are quickly scrubbed from existence now. The fact that you can't find anything no matter how hard you look should tell you right there that it's true.

Damnit, you get my hopes up and it's her fucking HUSBAND? Don't wake me unless it's a "his 'n her" funeral.