The meme makes a compelling point

the meme makes a compelling point

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Maybe Ukraine shouldn't have been murdering Russians in Donbas etc

george soros supports ukraine

bluepilled af

It's not a point, it's fact, freeing Ukraining from "globohomo" is good and all, but not when you send chechen hordes
>Maybe Ukraine shouldn't have been murdering Russians in Donbas etc
please substantiate your claims, DPR, a separatist faction funded and armed by the Russian federation, have equally murdered tons of people themselves and downed a civilian airplane.

I know its true because Russia Today said so

learn python
buy a pass
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> I know it's not true because Twitter said so

Okay now this is a Russian shill post. And I've been shilling Russia but this is just cope agitprop

These are commie terrorists war criminals who loves stalin not russians, and , russians live in ukraine normal loves.

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I almost feel sorry for the shills. Putin gave them an impossible task. For months, they were being paid to push a narrative that US intel was just fearmongering and Putin had no intention to invade. They were doing this up until the very moment Putin gave the marching orders and they suddenly have to turn on a dime and pretend Putin wasn't lying for 2 months about his intentions to invade- in fact he was RIGHT to invade. They can't even form a coherent defense, so they default to soijack and trannyposting. What's worse, now that the ruble is worthless they're doing it for free!

Idi nahuy comunist scum

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idk man, just having fun, need to balance things out

you fight for a CIA installed regime of kikes and trannies

Maybe 3 days ago. I went from being afraid of being invaded in a year or two and supporting Ukraine to now hoping Russia finishes up things quickly. I absolutely support Russia winning now, cause at the rate we are accelerating, I am going to die in less then a week in a nuclear blast.

I'd rather die then have a manlet dictate things in Europe.

and the rest of the indepent press

but everybody is lying except daddy Putin. He definitely has an interest in telling the truth. I'm not a fucking moron

Yes and the current government of Ukraine was funded by the US in a coup against the pro Russian government elected in 2014

shill please

Both Twitter and RT are pointless sources because they are manipulated by states
Both the UA and DPR+LPR have done reprehensive things, but none is enough to warrant a full-scale invasion to an otherwise weak country.
Remember these things:
>Ukraine didn't spend much on military until Russia took Crimea
>Russia jails people for holocaust denial, but not Ukraine
>Russia has more jewish billionaires than Ukraine
>Russia has initiated this invasion unprovoked
>Russia's casus belli is de-militarization and de-nazification, both of which are vague terms to justify military action
>Ukrainians have shown time and time again that they do not wish for Russian supervison and are satisfied with their current status quo
My only conclusion is that Russia is the aggressor here and deserve all this blow back, I'm neutral here, so I'm open to being proven wrong

I should have known better than to engage a meme expert such as yourself

you won't get nuked bro, putin will be caesar'd before that happens.

You posted the wrong version Trudeau.

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you been memeing and ratio'ing and soiijakkin' under a bridge or some shit? BLACKED is the the porn craze that has been driving the minds and cocks of men all over the world crazy for well... since the first european woman laid eyes on an african, but its most recent wave of adoring partakers and voyeurs happened with the advent of internet pornography. to cut a LONG story short (no pun intended), african american males tend to have much larger penises than white men on average. why? who knows! its the way Science and the universe balances inequality me guesses. now, you probably already know that women (of all types- even transgirls cant resist) get more pleasure from deeper penetration. thats the simple equation that makes BLACKED so damn addictive. length plus girth equals fun. then as the cherry on top of this cream pie (pun 100% intended) black men tend to be more muscular, taller and just plain better in bed. watch any porn and compare how white boys and black bulls fuck. the hulking ebony mastiff simply knows how to move it, yo! the gyration of hips, that reggae ryhtmn, the powerful pneumatic thrust of dem hammering thighs- you can't blame white women for getting wet over the thought and dreaming of a black cock to ride. now, you may expect some of the more insecure whites to get angry about this- and they do. a lot. they really need to chill. but I say, if you cant beat em, join em. BLACKED is more fun and more crazy hot when we all join in- although sorry white guys, no touching the merchandise. but its fun as fuck to watch! give your cock a treat and try out some BLACKED on your evening chicken choke. you may never look back.

Pro russian government shot at Ukranians using live ammunition, a father saw his child be shot by a Dragunov rifle, the pro-russia leader lived in a lavish mansion and was generally hated by the people, when he left the country (escorted by russian FSB), the protesters took his mansion and it is now a public meuseum, and the pro-russian president have been seething ever since
It may have been US-supported, but it wasn't a fringe group, most of Ukraine wanted him gone.

the meme is completely invalid, in fact. this is a slide thread.

>it's all about the Jews, fags, and trannies.
Yes it is:

>Ukrainians are fighting to stop the Russian invasion of their nation! So BASED!!!!!!!!!!!
>Kike president has to forbid all military aged men from leaving the country and universal conscription of military aged men.
Well which is it you fucking retards? Are Ukrainians fighting for their nation, or is the Globalhomo Kike having to force them to fight?

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