Expert here

At the current rate of Russian advance the map will look like this by Friday.

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But we are winning, am I right?

when people are losing badly, they lapse into pathetic delusions. Kharkov STILL hasn't been taken and it's right on the fucking border!

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chink characters confirm. Any figures the chinks give is like money in the bank!

In your dreams

Depends on who “we” are, don’t shoot the messanger, I’m neutral. I will say the Ukrainians seem to be retreating East of the Dnieper. I think now after the fall of Kharkov especially the remnants of the Ukrainian military are almost certainly now withdrawing to the West bank of the Dnieper, but if Kiev falls they’ll be Maginot’d by the Russians.. I’d hate to be in charge of this defense. It’s unwinnable. Sure civies in commie blocs will slow things a bit but ultimately it’s for nothing. If I was Ukraine I’d ask Poland and Romania to occupy Lviv and Odessa.. This is already over barring foreign intervention, no matter what the media says. That’s my assessment. Putin just needs to wait and trust in his army at this point.

Russia will definitely win according to my assessment. I have over 10,000 logged hours in Hearts of Iron IV.

You still don't understand that Russia literally doesn't have to enter any city. They're falling apart, Ukrainians are literally a shitshow.

I believe this is correct. There are wild stories of heroic exploits by the Ukrainian defenders and there may have been losses for Russia as expected in an offensive operation. However overall this is going as anyone would expect, Russia is making faster progress in fact than I would have expected by now. They will have the East within days and after that there not much else to take besides Odessa and Lviv. The writing is on the wall. Any foreigner going there to fight for the promise of free citizenship isn’t in for a rude awakening..

wtftf they are both retarded drunk soviets, why is this shitshow even running...
starting to believe this corona memoryhole conspiracy

shhhh dont tell him

I know bro! They don't have to do anything at all. They win by default just because. Just two more weeks to total victory!

*is in for, rather

They will be breaking rocks in Magadan, I would not advise it. It’s over and the Western media is, unfortunately for team Ukraine, blatantly lying and on full copium.

The plan was set long time ago.
>muh just a meme
Just a meme like your foreskin missing

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uh huh. Same as running out of fuel was all part of the plan. Russia shills are Q-user tier now.

The raider of queev

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very impresive...
for the ukranians
great superpower my ass,put-in

Never forget that we're winning

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you understand if you surround a city, cut off the power and water, let civilians easily surrender and shoot down air support a city will fall with minimum casualties right?

Uhhh Ukraine bros???

The ghost of Kiev will save us right??????

pigshit china would be invaded 2 days maximum by superior god emperor state denmark, what the fuck are the starved midgets going to do about it

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Like Germany after the war.

east and west

My sources are saying the map will look like this in 73 minutes

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you dont understand because you are amerinigger the only thing you are capable of is to ruin destroy. the only thing you are capable of creating is degeneracy and chaos.

russians obviously aren't trying to ravage ukraine like you fuckers did to iraq and lybia.

Its always the same story line with Russia since the mid 90s
>Try to reduce civilian casualties
>get btfo
>Lose nerve
>level the shit

Its funny because I got very sick in January 2020 and have had poor memory and focus until recently. Very odd feeling

Expert here! Russia has taken Gotland with their super charged 70’s equipment, the baltics and nordics will fall in 5 hours, Da!

Is that red crayola?

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i hope for the sake of ukrainan and russians bros, they don't give up