If he were alive today, which side would he be supporting?

For arguments sake, we’re talking pre-war (1938) Hitler

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Ucrania and AZOV.

>For arguments sake, we’re talking pre-war (1938) Hitler
russia then, he was 100% allied with the communists and let them take over all of eastern europe in exchange for soviet oil

gee I wonder

Attached: 9CA2B018-B861-4113-9AB9-F18C0BB00833.jpg (333x475, 45.09K)

He fucking hated Russia and he fucking hated America and anybody that either nation supports.
He would literally kill everybody and try to conquer the entire world himself.




he wouldn't take any sides. he would be smart enough to see that both sides are jews and would just watch it all burn down.

>1938 allied with communists
Go home, Nouredine.

Neither, he'd roll in after Russia crushes Ukraine, and he'd install a fascist government in Ukraine while moving on to Moscow.

He was allied with Russia and they cut up poland like a cake.
So probably same thing would happen, Hitler invading from one side and Russia takes the other side

I only included that because obviously post-war Hitler would have a bias against Russia, no matter the circumstance.

Hitler tried to conquer Russia when he was still alive.

He'd be supporting Germany, you retarded fuck.

He'd see it for what is is, two Jewish powers fighting each other. Seeing as neither side is Germany, I doubt he'd support either side. At most he might send aid to Ukraine to increase Russian losses, but I highly doubt it. You can point to Spain for an example of Hitler interfering in foreign affairs, but he only did that because Spain was battling communism (judaism). Since modern day Russia and Ukraine are both Judaic states, he wouldn't truly "support" either of them.

He could literally sell his paintings on Etsy. Imagine what he could do if he got his hands on digital tools...

Attached: Adolf_Hitler_Der_Alte_Hof.jpg (800x597, 128.15K)

>russia is a jewish state
Putin openly disavows transgenderism, "diversity" in movies and leftism in general

That doesn't change the fact that he is Jewish and supports his kind.

he was literally allied with the soviet union you morons

>He was allied with Russia and they cut up poland like a cake.
>So probably same thing would happen, Hitler invading from one side and Russia takes the other side
no, he signed a treaty that gave all of ukraine to the soviets, all of it

pic related is the treaty hitler made, all of ukraine goes to the communists

Attached: Ribbentrop-Molotov.png (884x641, 62.74K)

>the based russia myth again

Attached: based russia.png (3922x2107, 3.37M)

he would have converted to islam and rebuilt the caliphate

He is aligned with Bolsonaro, what are you talking about?

Ukraine obviously
Dude always wanted the west to unite with him against international(((Bolshevism)))
While its arguable whether or not woke (((Capital)))) is infact a GREATER threat that (((Communism))) itself is it is clear where he stood on the question.
And if we want to claim he would have a fundimentally changed position due to the cultural events of the last 60 years (which in fairness he very well may) we would be talking about a fundimentally changed man from the Hitler of 1938.
Which makes the conversation meaningless.

Attached: thankgod (2) (1).jpg (1000x1416, 191.36K)

That was in 1939, you north african moron.

I could link you several peer-reviewed papers that confirm Putin's close-ties to Jews throughout his life, but that information isn't exactly hidden. If you haven't found it by now, you don't care enough to look and I don't care enough to convince you. Just know your view of the world is misguided and you take positions based off of incorrect information. You are someone's pawn.

>That was in 1939, you north african moron.

is it true that all images of russia look like africa when you put a yellow filter on them?