There is only one scenario where Putin wins:

He detonates nukes in the stratosphere, creating an EMP. No matter what happens, this world will never be the same, please pray the rosary with me.


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are planes from the 70s supposed to be a massive help?

Planes made in the 70’s

Honestly at this point I'm hoping for an EMP. Reset us all, send us back to the middle ages, let's start again.
Maybe we can do it right this time

LAWs is one thing
Fighter Jets can be understood as declaration of war

Nato countries

Just means it will get worse for ukes.

How Bulgaria announced it wont allow the country to be used to arm Ukraine so why the fuck will they arm Ukraine themselves?

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How are they supposed to make use of them? All of their airfields were bombed out

more helpful than the US has been so far lmao

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Eastern EU offloading old junk. Genius.

Worshipping mary is idol worship, which is a ticket to hell my Pol.
Dead jewish teenagers don't hear your prayers

But why are they making the old soviet countries do all the work?
Stop the bull shit and go full scale or capitulate to Russia. Stop this lawyer run politicking.

I agree, we shouldnt send jets and even tank, this is just asking for escalation

That's probably bulgarias entire air force

I give zero shits what happens outside these borders. Entire EU can burn for all I care

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No more infolinks, transmissions of any kind. We'll start again, live in villages!

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This is going to be such a mess

kremlbots broke

Apparently yes, after seeing how absolute dogshit the russian army is I would assume these would actually do a lot

Yeah. That was silly. What use are frigging outdated airplanes now when the russians control the sky over the ukraine anyway?

It is except the nukes that we hide from you

How do the Ukrainians plan on maintaining these planes if all airfields are either destroyed or in Russian hands? Or can they just refuel them in Poland?

Hey let’s not forget about the anonymous hacker Any Forums

Poor russians...

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You're right
We should be sending them ones built in the '50s

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these are the only ones ukrainians know how to fly

>EMP. Reset us all, send us back to the middle ages, let's start again

This is probably the best idea Ive heard since this globohomo fight started.

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Ukrainian pilots already trained to fly them? Maybe one reason

That’s such a pity that Zelensky will not live long enough to receive his toys

Putin would violate the agreement that he made with Inner earth inhabitants. However, they know that he is being manipulated into defending his troops and his country.

Both sides are with the globalists and pushing the agenda of the Anti-Christ… there isn’t anyone on the side of Yeshua or the children.

russia will literally just take those after they are delivered

Theyll do fine.

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Their biggest problem with be friendly fire form retards that were given manpads, just look what happened on the first night over Kiev.

Russia already has the air. This is just prolonging the suffering of the Ukrainian people.

With NATO AWACS support and modern missiles than can fuck you from 200km away? Yes.

Where will they put them? Didn’t they destroy all the airports?

>He detonates nukes in the stratosphere, creating an EMP
This would be a dream come true, I hope he goes straight off the rails and does it

are we all sending our old garbage?

B-52s in an actual hot war with another major power. We keep them around because they're cheaper than B-1s and B-2s.


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This is just inviting more pilots to die.

The Ukrainian jets allegedly had received some avionics upgrades. What's being handed to them will be stock 1980's jets.

Russia has committed their brand new top of the line fighters to this operation. There's a dozen SU-34 fighter bombers in the air over Ukraine right now. Date of production: 2006 to present. Already field tested in Syria.

A mothballed Mig-29 from 1980 is not going to have a good day. There's a reason all these planes were in mothballs. They were judged to be less than useless. They're just death traps in a modern fight.

>felon has entered the chat

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>with another major power.
would be worthless.

They're what their pilots are already trained and familiar with.

what are you talking about? We didn't send anything just like russians didn't do anything in crimea and donbass. Besides that's a good thing because we just exchange advanced russian aircraft for american jank we are gonna get instead.

Can't you just start a jet from the road? You just need fuel and ammunition, maybe some basic maitenance.

on the other hand, now's the opportunity for several dozen kiev ghosts to fight against the russian federation.

russia's "tanks" and all their other crap are from the 70s too, so...

We've already seen BUFFs with third-generation pilots (grandfather, father, son all flew them)
I wonder if we'll get a fourth-generation

This isn't our problem, it's your problem.

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True I guess.

>Pray The Rosary with me
Based. Let's do It! I will also be starting a jewtube channel and begin praying and streaming The Rosary.

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Even better, Putin detonates 2 cobalt bombs one in each hemisphere, and all anyone can do is wait for their inevitable death

Or he just shoots them down with all those S-400s they have

The hohols have already lost.

Couldnt Russia just bomb the airports where they take off?

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>are planes from the 70s supposed to be a massive help?
Against little shitbox minibuses from the 1960's and tanks from the 1970's? Yes.

so if i learnt to drive in a VW i only know how to drive VW cars??

EMP nuke is a meme and doesn't actually work

You realise the Blackbird was designed and built in the 60's by guys using nothing more than sliderules and a few calculators? That the vast majority of commercial airplanes are in the region of 20-30 years old? Just because its old doesn't mean its busted. These things can still quite easily fuck up forces on the ground. Dog fighting isn't the only thing that matters to an air force.

Where are they going to land?

the hohols don't have a functional airforce.

>Fren-On 2-2 reporting in. I see 2 toilet cleaners on the radar. Am I clear to engage?

>send old Soviet rust buckets to get blown up in Ukraine
>cry to Biden about depleted air forces
>GOP gets house and senate
>GOP warchickens fund $100B in free F35s for NATO partners

Fuck this gay earth

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they will take off from Poland/Romania obviously

Gonna be a lot of dead pilots this week.

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not my problem

this it was in a couple movies and people think its real.

Holy shit I figured it out. Ukraine has been the elites corrupt piggy bank for years. They've orchestrated this phony war as opportunity for other countries to prove whose side they're on.

Zelensky is going to launder that money and put it into the pockets of Biden et al

Attached suit is $4500, it's in my budget, is it in yours?

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I love it. Fuck this gay earth with nuclear fire. Quit crying, pussy, I've been waiting 45 years for this.

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What's it say