How are they performing worse than even the lowest expectations?

How are they performing worse than even the lowest expectations?

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you expected any better from an army still using 1917 tactics of zerg rush and die until the enemy runs out of ammo?

Nice VPN

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I dont buy it, liars keep saying that about em, cant really trust reddit, msm and kikes on truth. I dont even care if they win or loose though

Military ranks given based on political relations and extreme corruption, their soldiers seems to lack even the basics like fuel and food.

You need to lower your expectations

They don't, we just don't know anything about their side. The "news" make it look like they are losing. How new are you?

The last time Russia went to war and didn't lose or collapse on a societal level was when they were propped up by Lend Lease.

Realistically because we're performing at like 1% of our power. I'm not drafted, though I'm able-bodied, neither is 99% of Russians.
Not shilling for yid manlet, just a simple fact.

i didnt expect ukraine to actually repel russia for this long. not to mention all of the old ass equipment russia is still using.

I'm watching it happen on livestream, its pathetic. Its literally like watching Africans on Toyota Tundra's with AK-47's pretending to be a real military.

Shitty command with no regard for the soldier's lives, which results in crazy dangerous attacks, leaving units isolated and under heavy fire. This causes low morale, which leads to strategic a tactical mistakes, which further gives the enemy the upper hand. Add to that poor logistics and wild underestimation of the capabilities of the enemy.
Last but not least, they suffer from severe ideological intoxication - i.e. they believed their own bullshit propaganda and instructed the soldiers that the local population would receive them as liberators. Instead they are being received with Molotov cocktails to the roof of that ole' BMP.

Why did you sent soldier on "training expeditions"? It is the worst demoralizer to lie to the troops.

can you and your equals be drafted and be convinced to march on foreign soil?

Why did we wait for 8 years?
Why didn't we wait a little bit more for more convenient weather conditions?
Why is must kikes get richer while whites die?
Fuck if I know.

Where is it? ,

Ukraine has almost collapsed. The takeover of Ukraine will be faster than the US takeover of Iraq. What a shame.

Pretty sure that yes. Draft has nuances (i.e. family and shit) but I can be drafted.
Not sure what you mean by this, Ferraribro.

Depleted all good missiles and other sophisticated armament in Syria with not having enough production capacity to replenish it, hence why only limited plane and heli usage for 1 day with resorting to fucking unprotected tanks after.

>Be young male in Russia
>Conscripted at the age of 18
>Basic training starts with having to suck your Senior Officer's dick 20 times a day
>Routine nightly rapes by your squad right before bed
>Sent into the field right after training
>Ride in a 60 year old APC on route to Kyiv
>Run out of fuel soon as you leave the garage
>Get raped by squad members while refueling
>Finally mobilize and enroute to protect the motherland
>Tell Pvt Sergey to stop ramming you for a second
>Hear a weird noise
>NLAW turns your APC into a shashlik grill
>Pictures of it get posted onto Any Forums

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it's so fucking obvious Putin is sandbagging
the nazi accusations against ukraine are an obvious justification to install an "anti-nazi" aka a pro-russian regime
there is no way he is going to be defeated by backwards ukraine, he's just dragging it out, that way the west is more prone to accept a puppet government
>EU: look we have to accept the new government, we can't put sanctions on them, look how much the people of ukraine have suffered, they are the ones being further punished by sanctions, but also we can't accept ukraine into NATO and the EU now, there is no rule of law there, it's not an independent state
>look how Putin got humbled by the brave ukrainian defense, he's going to think twice before attempting something like this again, the unexpectedly large losses make this a purrhic victory, look now Putin has trouble with protests at home and people calling for his resignation, he's totally going to get toppled any second now
never mind he's going to control the "bread basket of europe" and sending a couple of soldiers to serve as cannon fodder to sell this charade is a totally worthy sacrifice, the sanctions are a joke and Putin is just laughing them off

Russians always were lousy fighters. They only win because there is so many of them.

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