Now that the dust has settled, it was just the flu

Now that the dust has settled, it was just the flu

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>UK flu deaths per year: 2,000
>UK all influenza deaths per year: 20,000
>UK covid deaths: 160,000
It's not just the flu

i support this meme. the addition of the second shot in the last frames are nice, although i think the mask should be put back on in the last frame as an extra bonus npc mockery

Post more of these.

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Yeah it was car accidents and heart attacks too

Cool boomer post. Time moves forward, different things happen. Get a grip.

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Thank you my kind user.

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>don't recognize patterns

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Nah, they're dropping mandates. It helps to show how quickly normies forget.

Fuck off, those numbers are artificially inflated by way of counting a bunch of deaths as covid deaths that weren't. If they died in a car crash while they had covid they still died "with" covid and they were counted. No one is retarded enough to keep listening to you.

Okay then, what is the pattern? Something happened, and then something else happened that?

I dont like globohmo=I like Putin

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Like you retarded antivax who consider that every vaccinated person who died, did so because of the evil vaccine from the dreaded big pharma who make cancers rise up from 1 billions %

>Time moves forward

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You guys think Americans are finally waking up to how socially engineered we are?

How dare you

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no. normies are going to continue to wear masks because it's cosplay, hides their ugly faces, and gives them a physical representation of their love and support for science without having to get tattoos

The pattern is that people like you are helpless without authority figures to direct their attention to this weeks manufactured crisis.

On the other hand, if they died more than 28 days after testing positive, or died from covid without being tested, they wouldn't be counted.
The ONS data confirms that these errors are small and balance out.

Nice deflection. I hope you don't experience bloodclots or heart issues. Remember, no refunds!

Don't be so hard on the baguettefag user, they are the last country on earth still having vaxpasses kek

The errors aren't small and anyone with basic statistical competence knows it. There were even financial incentives in some places to inflate the numbers, as some governments were providing aide to hospitals based on case totals. All of this can't be memory holed here--we actually save shit and remember it. Do they pay you by the post?

>just forget about the last 2 years, bro. theres something else going on right now
those who dont learn from history etc whatever im just wasting my time on a retard like you.

You should try reading beyond the headlines of those articles. If you can. I don't care about CNN though, I'm not a boomer.

>if they died more than 28 days after testing positive, or died from covid without being tested
no, you disingenuous shill, because
>Quick, swab the corpse! Looks like it was covid after all.

top kek

Hey bonghead the numbers were cooked from the start every single old cunt that died they recorded as a Covid death the entire thing was a fucking scam
>no refunds cunt

>things change people change

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Okay, I got it. Every thing that happens bothers me once I have to think of it and therefore it's all fake.

>The errors aren't small
