What the fuck is happening in Atlanta?

What the fuck is happening in Atlanta? youtu.be/eNZD4Bwi_5U

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U.S of Africa

i already seen niggers on scooters a few years ago
i called them technoniggers
the future is a grim and dark place

You're seriously asking what's happening in Atlanta?

youre the retards that want the niggers so bad

Niggers gonna nig

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Techno-barbarians of Merica

first of all only 5% of our population is non white, other 5% is non norwegian white euros
90% are white norwegians
so shut the fuck up 50% nigger

This is the most american news report I've ever seen. Holy fucking kek

>mechanized cyberniggers
You will live to see man-made horrors beyond your comprehension.

too much Coke

i made a thread about techno niggers like a year ago

Atlanta being Atlanta

Somehow the cyberpunk dystopia is worse than I thought it would be.

Everything inside the 285 perimiter needs to be glassed.

Lives outside Atlanta

Hordes of niggers moving to Atlanta because it is the nigger mecca. Predictably, crime has gotten worse.

Guys I'm blind could you tell me the color of those involved?

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Annukai terrorists are committing these crimes and blaming black youth.

You laugh but atleast 10% of atlanta actually believes all the Kang meme tier shit. There was a sign saying to "end annukai terrorism" posted at the 285 exit for camp creek Pkwy right after the war in Ukraine started.

>he doesn't know

That's just Atlanta dude, don't worry about it. Every couple of months the niglets inside the perimeter find new and retarded ways of entertaining themselves. A while back the trend was running through traffic to sell water bottles (re: rob and/or carjack anyone dumb enough to roll down their windows). Couple of em got splattered and made the nightly news but I'm sure they're still at it.
This. I avoided itp unless I have absolutely no other choice.


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isnt atlanta next to detroit in melanine population? i think that speaks for itself

black culture

actually 50% is the amount of total crime niggers commit in the US, despite only being 13% of the population

There are no jobs in the black community so these poor children have to find a way to feed themselves

These are old pre 2020 stats. After King Floyd died the ratio is closer to 70-80%

i've been seeing those rechargable electric scooters for a while now and i was wondering how long it would take before niggers figured out how to use them in crimes

we have basketball players, we got joggers, now they're scooter riders

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nigger said 'cased' the area. They are all criminals.