Attached: 753B8E54-63B9-4B4E-A1D8-46F5F11CCE04.png (691x459, 51.13K)

Other urls found in this thread:


Russia isn’t the enemy

Attached: 5AA7C26E-4F27-4785-AB3B-75899FC55E48.jpg (2048x1152, 155.82K)

buy the dip faggot

Attached: 16454604900.jpg (400x400, 23.01K)

Imagine if you are a Russian poorfag without access to Bitcoin like Russian elite right now


Maybe you can get a bank loan when you are broke goyim lmfao..

Attached: sketch-1643266724058.png (1570x1080, 988.72K)

Bitcoin you mean. Russians are selling out their currency and economy to china broke poor fag

>Holding earth hostage with nukes

They are the enemy.

Лa, лa, лa
Лa лa лa лa лa лa лa лa лa лa

Я пoю yтpoм
И oнo видит мoю мoлoдocть
И coлнцe дeнь зa днём
Пpинocит нaм нoвoe бecпoкoйcтвo

B жизни бyдeт вcё
Кaк пecня
Кoтopyю пoют, кoгдa ты poждaeшьcя
И тaкжe нa пpoщaния

Лa лa лa лa лa лa лa лa лa лa
Лa лaлaлa лaлaлa лa лa
Лa лa лa лa лa лa лa лa лa лa
Лa лaлaлa лaлaлa лa лa

Я пoю мoeй мaмe
Oнa дaлa мнe жизнь
Я пoю для нaшeй плaнeты
Кoтopaя нaблюдaлa зa мoим дeтcтвoм

И пeлa в тoт дeнь, кoгдa
Пoчyвcтвoвaлa любoвь
Шaгaя пo жизни
Я yзнaвaлa этy пecню21

Лa лa лa лa лa лa лa лa лa лa
Лa лaлaлa лaлaлa лa лa
Лa лa лa лa лa лa лa лa лa лa
Лa лaлaлa лaлaлa лa лa

Attached: img (1).png (579x439, 212.18K)

If only you knew how bad it is going to be for Russians


Attached: sketch-1643268059339.png (1920x777, 2.11M)


yeah they are

Holodomor time again uhoh

Test the burgers for mystery meat

Any fiat currency = shitcoin.


At this point, DOGE>RUB


I don’t speak sheep

Attached: 8FB820AC-43CA-4134-9616-3B33DBA3DB98.jpg (690x388, 32.51K)

Ok sergei you better get your money out of Russian banks if you can poorfag gypsy kek. Russians will have to pay their inheritance to Azeri women as a dowry payment if they ever want to have sex

Attached: sketch-1645995502486.jpg (1438x1080, 119.97K)

Kek stay poor like a Russian fag

Attached: sketch-1643222131244.png (1920x777, 2.11M)


>Won't even open their markets today
I wanted to see the red dildos.
Fucking cowards.

we did it, reddit!

Everyone have access to Bitcoin. I randomly tethered months ago, and pretty happy desu. Not a wholecoiner tho, but soon.

There's still quite a bit of pro Putin shilling going on but I'm still surprised at just how overwhelming the anti Putin response is here. Actually I'm surprised across a few communities where now I think even Tucker is backing down and the spineless smog Trump is trying to act like he wasn't sucking Putin's D with that praise.

I guess the IRA's funding got cut off and the trolls are taking a bit of a break. Anyone check Zero Hedge? They huffing down the pro Russia copium hard

It's a good time to invest. Once the tide of war of known, then it it have a nice bounce and reach aths.

*Is known

Attached: coronavirus_nigger.png (679x476, 451.5K)

Reasonable people don't actually like war believe it or not.

>You thought death means anything to those such as we, mon ami?

Attached: 1B98A105-CA2D-440F-87BA-F8002AB3D040.png (581x581, 329.75K)

only babies don't buy dips.

Attached: babies_buy_dips.png (659x276, 65.45K)

You think that's the dip? You ain't seen shit yet!

No way it can go much lower, can it, user?


That's pretty obvious but a) people on Any Forums are not generally reasonable and b) you can be against war and still spin to blame a particular side. We see plenty of this still as well. Lots of "just give up the land to Putin" and so on. So I'm not sure what the anti war point is about.

Is Bill still alive? I haven't checked on him since his opperation

us dollar soon