Marxism and capitalism are two sides of the same coin

Marxism and capitalism are two sides of the same coin

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Literally how? There not even in the same category of ideas. The one was an economic system which existed in history, the other is a world view

Is that a joke?


No, a different economic category would be a bartering system like in the primitive days.

Socialism relies on fiat money just like capitalism allows for Jews to control and deceive with corporations.

If you want liberation consider Ron Paul.

>If you want liberation consider Ron Paul.
I am a communist and I am a great fan of Ron Paul. Many modern Marxist Leninist do (the real one who support CCP, not you're s*y college retards)

Both are about jews plundering a country.

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Why are you simping for an austrian s*yboy who literally cucked your countrie

Kek I actually didn't see this coming
Good to have other anons sharper than me


dude you’re a communist, you’re the only onions here

Hell and Heaven are two sides of the same coin

The jews cucked my country. Gas yourself kike.

Yeah we should really listen to the guy whose ideas died pitifully in a bunker, alone, probably with shitstains in his pants and cum in his ass

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Yeah guess fucking what because communism is the superior system which will emerge with necessity. Joseph Stalin cucked your intellectual Sugar Daddy Adolf Hitler and China is on the rise gaining more influence while bringing great wealth to it's population,.

Are you a Marxist Leninist or some pseudo communist who supports anarchism or some s*ycucked garbage like that

modern capitalism, yes
smithian classical capitalism I believed in

Marxist Leninist, what else is reasonable? I mean, have you seen an successful anarchist revolution LOL

For me it is just funny how many names there are for rich people having the power and making life miserable for the rest.

You let the neocon jew redefine "Capitalism" to mean "Corporatism", which is a form of gradually growing state communism. Capitalism really is just an update on Mercantilism to account for organized production of IP, as opposed to just trade and artisans. Once the concept of public corporations took hold, it's been a slow trudge toward neo-fuedalism.

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That's why China's population's wealth is consistently growing why building a new middle class, meanwhile USA becoming more and more of a shithole.

Retard, there is only state socialism. This kind of bs libertarian idea of just minimize the government is a mere pipedream.
You have the choice between burgeoir socialism as we have in the west (you would call it mercantilism) which just benefits the liberal elites and upper class and true populist proletariat socialism like in China (which btw provides much economic freedom to it's workers)

Consuming nutrients and defecation are remarkably similar biological functions. Also, the process of being birthed and passing away of old age are much alike in the same way. So if you really think about it, OP should just eat shit and die.

Heterosexual and homosexual are 2 sides of same OP

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Libertarianism is the destination, not the path. It only works if the people are high trust, intelligent and self sufficient. Even then some form of limitation on business power inevitably must be used.. Capitalism with shitskins is just another slave state with producers owning the plantations.

National Socialism, if the people embrace, is the only system where freedom theoretically grows with institutional productivity.

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