What are the main arguments against National Socialism?

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The holocaust

das racis

There is no such thing as National Socialism.
It’s a man-made concept like the Tooth Fairy

>Too much concentration of power in the wrong hands
>constant rebellious movements even from within high ranking officials

well not really. that is old news.

the problem is that the ideology is likely to produce another one. and like the previous iteration it won't be just jews.

the holocaust is layed up by jews but everyone shoudl remember they also persecuted anyone that didn't agree with them. it is a totalitarian regime. it engages in mass murder, mass lsavery, mass theft, and mass persecution.

there has to be a better way to achieve the few good aims that Nat Soc has, without the built in basic cuntiness of it all

1- Socialism
2- it lost the world war
3- Number 1 again

A foundation on an autistic level of caring about loosely connected groups and a cucked love of the oppression of human nature with totalitarian levels of control over daily life.
Oh, and the genocide…

So is Spain, you retarded nigger

Your a faggot larping as something you don't really understand and like the idea of getting attention for you anti mainstream views because you identity is so heavily tied to media and social pressure instead of self contentment.

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>Largest gypsy population in the entire world.
Main export: Gypsies

Yeah it's a weak argument

Stupid take

lol you're not a german.

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soan ideology that emphasises total loyalty to a made up cause, and that excludes vast quantities of people as outsiders adn teaches that they should be driven out, and that sas they have stolen anything they have made or earned over the years with their hard work, and that the stolen goods should be taken back by the volk, isn't the basis for a repeat of the same sort of barbarity?

it is divisive, on purpose. it aims to make an Us and Them, and to take from Them. and to justify it by making up "spiritual" shit about Us being better. it is a recipe for genocide .

I think you're doing yourself a disservice when you equate white pride with nazi germany

>to a made up cause
It's not made up. Retarded take. Oh wait - a French flag! I wonder if you're that same French jew that has authored thousands of posts on this topic.
>excludes vast quantities of people as outsiders adn teaches that they should be driven out
Those "vast quantities of people" are actually very small in number, and they were rightfully driven out of Germany after the horrors of Weimar
>and that sas they have stolen anything they have made or earned over the years with their hard work
Oh yes, the hard, back-breaking labor of usury and child brothels. Won't anyone think of the poor jews? Their fortunes turned slightly as the market went down. The horror! How can they bear the burdens of the day?

ANYONE who excuses the moral failings of jews earns their spot in the execution line. That includes you, you French fuck. If you're not jewish, you are unbelievably poorly educated in historical matters; if you are jewish, you're intentionally misrepresenting history for the purpose of your argument. Your post is pathetic and I wish there was some sort of instant retribution for people like you

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The next holocaust will be against you filthy fucking animals.

Is this one of the rare 2% of the Maltese population that is jewish? Did we really manage to rile up a lone jew on some shitty little Mediterranean island? Or, are you some misguided Catholic chucking spears at your brothers? Mysteries abound. What's it like watching the boats full of Africans float by?

>There is no such thing as National Socialism.
>It’s a man-made concept like the Tooth Fairy
Spoken like one who does not compute the concept of the natural process.

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>you are unbelievably poorly educated in historical matters

says the person who is simply pretending that the Nazis didn't oust thousands of doctors who had spent years of study and helped their patients, nurses who had worked hard to study adn help their patients, thousands of small businesses and manufacturing companies whose owners ahd worked hard to build their businesses adn employed hundreds of thousands of people.

says someone who pretends that a few brothels in hamburg were the whole of the jewish contribution to the economy.

says someone who thinks that he should be given money for free adn never have to repay it, and thinks that the world could be run without interest rates on loans, because he has no fucking clue about economics or history.

sorry kid, but you really ought to get some education about history, and stop just being a biased and ignorant cunt.

Did the person who made this actually think it was clever? They must have spent at least 15-20 minutes making it, so were they thinking "I'm pointing out what hypocrites shitlibs are, because they want people to be proud of themselves, unless you want to be proud of being a Nazi"?

Its something that doesn't really work during times of peace. Or if I'm being more descriptive, the 1940's variant of NatSoc only stayed afloat due to the war economy. If there was no war economy, then it would heavily suffer from the lack of outside commerce, which while that's a problem that could eventually be solved it would lead to more outside influence unstabilizing the socialist economy.
Furthermore, socialism (a necessity-driven economy) is all around inferior to a capitalist economy (which is incentive driven). Things that encourage an economy to thrive can't be done based on "what we have to do" rather than "what we can do". Without the incentive that inherently leads to inequality in a capitalist economy, people will only do what they have to.
Lastly, the Nazis themselves failed miserably. They wanted to eradicate Das Jude because a lot of bad eggs with long noses got into power and started fucking it up. Those same eggs would be one of the most dangerous things to a socialist society as they activly encourage wealth disparity, animosity, and a lack of unity. Which while it would be all well and good if Hitler miraculously solved the problem, he did not. He killed (presumably) millions of Jews in his Looney Tunes death camps, but those were the ones without the means to escape. The bad eggs that raped Germany to begin with mostly escaped to "enrich" other countries, leaving their people to suffer. Those same bad eggs would not leave Germany alone even if they won the war and inevitably would see it fall one way or another.

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