What is the most morally reprehensible position of the left?

Is it being pro-lgbt or being pro-abortion? I truly hate the American left, you export your cultural rot across the globe and corrupt societies that would never have considered things like lgbt or abortion , I see so many young women ( and men but mostly women) in my society who are caught up in western liberalism and it makes me hate the west. I'd rather deal with a Christian crusdaer west than a democratic Liberal west imo. That's how insidious and corrupting the influence of the west is.

>pic related

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American right wingers wanna spread their bombs over the world

American liberals wanna spread their degeneracy around the world.

The problem is Americans

Based I will join you

the worst is the pro pedophilia movement. But you dirty muslims like that.

I'd rather they spread their bombs than their cultural decay and rot that slowly eats away at societies from the inside out. Also the American left bombs plenty.
Obama was bombing the shit out of the Afghans and overthrew qaddafi in Libya and was bombing ISIS in Syria.

The worst is feminism.

Are you Palestinian?

There is no distinction between right wingers and liberals when it comes to warmongering. Both are equally determined to destroy the middle east.

Materialism is the source of all other bullshit
>Striving for higher ideals is a grift goy, life is just expending resources to feel good until you die
Materialism is the basis of usury and therefore of globohomo.

pro lgbt
unwanted children were killed for longer than humans existed
but lgbt is simply mind poisining

you idiot must first even understand what is a moral and what is its pupose

muslim moral is very different from white people moral for example

it all depends on which aims youre trying to achieve and in which way

LGBT is literally a pox on any society that endorses it ( figuratively and literally , the lgbt literally brought the HIV plague upon america) but I can at least understand why a normie would buy into lgbt rights.but why would anyone be so vehemently pro-abortion?

Because how does anyone being LGBT or aborting a baby actually affect you?

Honestly, who cares?

because sacrificing your own unborn offspring gives you more freedom to watch TV, eat garbage, have sex with strangers, and do drugs

>What is the most morally reprehensible position of the left?
minor attracted person

Widespread acceptance and encouragement of homosexuality and abortion has a subtle yet substantial effect on all society. One of the easiest ones to spot is the AIDS epidemic. Another one is pushing transsexualism on young children.
>pic related

You know if women just came out and said that they want to be hedonist and that they're sociopaths who don't care about their unborn children growing in their wombs , instead of making it an issue of "freedom" and "bodily autonomy" and "women's rights" I might actually respect them.

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Yeah but, why do you care? Just focus on improving your own life. The world is always going to become more and more liberal, you can't control it. Best to just make peace with it.

Transparency does not make a pathetic creature any less pathetic
Anyone with any degree of self-awareness or honesty won't be killing their children anyway

Nice changing goal posts. You went from how does it affect you to "why should you care and what can you do about it?". So I should just lay down and take it? We live in a society, we're all affected by these things. You're probably arguing in bad faith anyway.

Exactly what is happening in Hungary. We are resisting relatively good, but with globohomo propaganda machine, it's only a matter of time.

>making a thread questioning globohomo while the board is full of their shills
My man lmao

based and logically sound

man it really is sad seeing what the globohomo has done to our society

>The world is always going to become more and more liberal, you can't control it
False. Libtards always assume history is on their side and everyone who's against it is just reactionaries. This is a delusion as history has no natural path towards anything and liberalism only increases or decreases based on pressure from either side. The illiberal world is increasing in population while the liberal world remains stagnant so the future won't look like you think it will look