What would he do in this situation if he was the president?

What would he do in this situation if he was the president?

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Laugh at Russia's ineptitude like everyone else


Congratulate putin on a phenomenal invasion

He would have been labeled as Putin's puppet for not fully committing to war with Russia

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Sit back like a little bitch and let the russians secure their lands from western aggression
Maybe also offer his daughter to putin

The invasion wouldn't be happening.

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He would've done absolutely nothing and focussed on the US and put his people first only

he would prob split ukrine with putin

He would have pulled NATO from Ukraine if he weren't glowing in a different shade of green.
He wouldn't have told Zelinsky to fight to the last man.
He wouldn't have let them build biolabs on the border.

Suck Putin dick and prevent swift sanctions

Russia wouldn’t have invaded

invade mexico

Ask Ukraine to surrender quickly and quietly to stop causing problems for Putin

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He would build a wall against Russia

Would have pacified Russia and prevented this as he did throughout his presidency

He wouldn't have let it happen in the first place and would have likely made concessions to the Russians like any sane man would. Perhaps we would be united against the actual threat (the Chinese) and not driving Russia into an alliance with them

>the US
>his people
Surely you mean Israel...or Pfizer.

Restating the American Economy post-coof.

MAGA Diplomacy. Biden hasn't mentioned diplomacy, I noticed. Let's all be MAGA frens. And have a MAGA burger while negotiating diplomatically, Russian frens.

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Russia only invades when a weak Democrat President is on office

>Crimea under Obama
>peace under Trump
>Ukraine invasion under Brandon

hold a rally and do nothing, as usual

Putin invaded Georgia under George W Bush. He doesn't care about petty US politics.