Americans and French sell missiles

Germany Helmets
Luxembourg LAWs

We send masks

Attached: FFP2 for Ukraine.png (1011x1233, 985.75K)

20 warehouses of unused masks need to go somewhere. It's like literally sending garbage to Ukraine.

I don't care fuck both sides in this kike war

Why not sausage at least?

And everybody clapped

Hungarians make better sausages

I'm afraid they'll keep clinging to the covid narrative forever.


Does this fag have shares or interest in a mask manufacturing company or what?
This is ridiculous.

>plot twist: the masks are laced with poison

Attached: fmlac43695.jpg (762x1200, 243.42K)

Not him, his wifes sister

What a (((coincidence)))!

the smaller the country the more blatant the corruption

if this faggot were mayor of kyiv he'd only let vaxxed cucks into bunkers to "protect the people" from the terrible disease

There are not many people fully vaccinated in Kiev to begin with

Attached: 1645973706260.jpg (1080x373, 64.68K)

I've been living there for 15 years and never knew they had an army or any kind of weapons aside from the ones meant for the police force.

T. Auchan worker detected
How was that minimum wage you poor subhuman ?

Most french people there work in law/audit/accouting firm

Lmao no
Most French work as service worker in shops

social distancing in war is underrated. this is 9d chess in real time, he will prob be the next pope once the dust settles. there will be canonization of ludl before year end and then the road is clear for getting pope for lifetime.

You forget, you're allied with America, they'll give weapons and arms in exchange for nearly anything.