Are there any scientific arguments against transgenders

What is your evidence against transgenderism?

No more shitposting or trying to argue with you guys anymore why makes transgenderism simply wrong?

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It is literally just mental illness, Tranny. You're a man, self harming half arsedly to be come a woman. I've been in your circles, you lot have tried to groom me as a youth, I know all about "boymode" and "just become the girlfriend you never had"

You're a Lower caste of incels doomed to a world of medical torment and body horror of your own making. There's your argument against it.


It's a mental illness, you lock someone up for thinking they are Napoleon, the same way you should lock a man up for thinking he's a woman and mutilating his penis. They need help and that is why instead of encouraging them in their sickness to their eventual suicide, you get them the help they need.

There are brain differences in trans, the same that you would typically see in male vs female brains. You can't really argue that other than >muh kike science. But it's wrong in that going along with someone's phantom limb syndrome is wrong.

ur gay lol

Transgender surgeries paid for by our taxes, not a priority utilisation of funds. Evidence of transgenders being mentally unfit and unstable for state jobs such as military service, also funded by us.

Besides this there really aren't any reasons to ban them, It's none of our business and if we don't like them we let it be known in the markets

You can effectively treat gender dysphoria with anti-psychosis meds. It’s just a mental illness, indulging it is the same as telling anorexic women how pretty they are.

Not an argument for outright banning something. If they're crazy that should manifest itself in the crime stats

don't care, it's a fad and will go away in a decade or so

How is it against morality?

It grosses me out, I can prove it scientifically

Well that is what I am asking for, how is it scientifically wrong or gross.

This isn't a ban on it, this is treating it as the mental illness that it is. You can't just ban mental illnesses, they happen and they can't be helped, but they should be classified as sick and be treated for this problem.

Transgenderism is MARXISM (social relativism)
It's an abomination to God, truth and nature.
Additionally, I don't want to put my dick in an inverted penis, come necrohole.

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If a man tells everyone he's Napoléon society will not buy him a horse and a tricorn hat instead we will lock him up.
Transgenderism is a mental illness.

>Are there any scientific arguments against transgenders?

Same way pedophile, incels, recessed chin is all gross/wrong. Anything that doesn't have a good chance, in fact has a BAD chance of furthering gene replication, even an association with it, is deemed disgusting. We're highly attuned to it for a reason. Obviously it's all been tried in the past and only those who felt the disgust were actually genetically successful.

The scientific argument is that you will never be a woman.
Another is that the transgender person can be helped with therapy and medication. They can come out of the dysphoria state they're in.
People should be provided with medical options. Forbidding all types of treatment, except affirming their troon identity, will one day be seen as the CRIME it is.
Example, 6 year old boy claims he's a girl. The only approved treatment is affirming their troon identity.
That's fucked up. I feel for the parents of said troons. It must be a nightmare

>inb4 hurrduurrrdurrr
>muh xxy, xyy, xxxy, xyxyx, etc

This is some NPC shit.