Do the right thing

I have witnessed Ukraine transform from a collapsing part of the Soviet Union to a liberal democracy and an open society. It has faced countless acts of Russian aggression, but has persisted.
And now, thanks to your tireless efforts to speak up for what’s right the world knows that brave Americans are ready willing to stand up and stand together to fight for what’s right.
However the battle is not won.
It is important that both the transatlantic alliance (the United States, Canada, the European Union, and the United Kingdom) and Any Forums, do whatever is in their power to support Ukraine in its time of existential threat.

- George Soros and The Open Society Foundation

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hold your breath. you must understand that the threat of diplomatic failure while resolving geopolitical tension between nation-states can cause WW3 and kill us all, regardless of intentions (violence begets violence). you cannot "win" war. you can only "win" peace.
the nation-state (your societies whether open/close) is the cause of war. you want help preventing WW3, then let post-nation-state diplomacy succeed.

why would Soros support neonazis?

This is a precarious situation where both sides are kiked and aren't worth supporting. But innocent people get caught in the crossfire.

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Really need to start questioning your position when you find yourself on the same side as Soros, Abramavich, and Schwab

Because he is an original Nazi.

Because he is the kind of kike that made his entire fortune during the war by playing informant to the Nazis. Due to him doing this the entire time of the war, he was paid quite a lot to keep doing it.

He even said himself that it was the greatest time in his life.

because they are a moral. they are merchants they give a fuck and sell what have buyers. if ukraine is proud white sell them racism until gays took over or migrants or weathever.

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Listening to globohomo figures sincerely spout their ideology always challenges one’s own because their eloquence, charisma, and verbal morality intimate a disarming trustworthiness. It should be no surprise they appear this way since they are originators of the “virtue signal,” but the lengths to which they truly believe their own propaganda stuns the mind: the world would be a better place if degeneracy ran rampant, racial equity came before individual competence, and masculinity was eviscerated.

>and Any Forums, do whatever is in their power to support Ukraine in its time of existential threat.

I really, really want to support ukraine. My grandparents even came to brazil from ukraine and my city have one of the biggest ukranian comunitys in the world. That being said you guys are meking it really hard to support my grandpa old country by all this faggotry. I like ukraine, but i dont like it that much to side with the kinds of Soros and the other scum listed.

>the United States
Sorry George we got globohomoed but your jewry and can't fight.

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controlled opposition which is fit for war

The joke is that the previous owner of the store is called Chuck so if you replace "Sneed" with "Chuck" you get "Chuck's Feed & Seed".

Just support the people and not the government and hope for a a quick and resolute decision with the least amount of causalities

To be fair literally no one I've seen or heard of is on Putin's side other than some people on here.

Thats pic related and from a voie.

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Yeah, if you believe the holohoax that is.

he knows those neonazis will die fighting for ukraine

>the nation state is the cause of war
Demonstrably untrue. War has been ubiquitous before the rise of the modern nation state; dynastic wars, imperial wars, economic wars, etc.

Hmm, wonder if the global propaganda machine we call the press has anything to do with that…

Then trust your instincts and don’t. The West agitated this, just like they agitated the 2014 revolution that installed Ukraine’s illegitimate government, and just like they agitated the Orange Revolution over so-called “election fraud” (while the US imprisons it’s own citizens for protesting the same thing). This is about creating an excuse to take out a threat to their hegemony.