We being buttfucked by Ukrainians, and PMCs from around the Earth, just invade us, Any Forums...

We being buttfucked by Ukrainians, and PMCs from around the Earth, just invade us, Any Forums. I'd rather live in your tranny-nigro world than in this joke country.

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The most successful massive attack in the modern history.

russia and putin are already villainized because of the invasion of ukraine and if putin fails then he will embarrass himself and make russia seem to be weak. is ukraine really so important? worth the risk?

people get the government they deserve.

You deserve total destuction. Russia has no place in the civilized world.

You shit stirrers started this shit, and are losing lmao. Most countries in the world are now sanctioning you

>butthurt belter opinion

you have been left alone, literally. seethe

>he fell for the twitter propaganda

Why not go to Ukraine and rape a bunch of women

I feel bad for the average, normal, every day Russian in all of this. They're going to suffer the most from the decision of a mad man to destroy countless lives over a territorial dispute. My condolences.

The irony isn't lost on me, however, that the majority opinion has been that the US invasion of Vietnam, Iraq and Afghanistan was an egregious violation of sovereignty. And it clearly was, the US was absolutely, morally wrong in those cases. The Ukrainian people have the right to autonomy from both Europe and from Russia. They get to decide their destiny, nobody else, and the Russians are trying to force them into doing their bidding by acting as a giant human shield buffer zone between them and the west.

Now the average Russian makes twice as less in an instant, and life is about to get very, very difficult, all because of a butthurt manlet with a Napoleon complex.

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The point is UKRs wanted to decide their destiny and did - West. This caused massive Russian butthurt and the invasion because Ukrainian people don't want to be as poor as Russhits

Fuck Polska, you fucked it up with EU with your cognitive dissonance.

Yeah, and I can't see why anybody would blame them.

Seriously though I hope and pray for the average Russian who just wants to live their lives and now has it twice as hard because of their sociopathic president's decision.

That title goes to desert storm buddy

Ya you guys are getting destroyed, this is completely one sided.

Your president made a huge error

ivan's gonna be eating gulag gulash soon

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Sorry but America OVER, see?

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we tried warning everybody else for years, but noooooooooo

The finances of every Russian are going to be heavily affected by this for years.

hello shill, you suck at your job


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which version of counter strike is this?


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Cede the Russian Far East to Alaska and we'll call it off. You can keep Ukraine.
I actually don't know what's in the Far East that's of strategic value besides frozen tundra, I just think the photos of it look cool.

Forgot pic. I want all of it.

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Russia wont last for a month at this rate

>if putin fails
there is no if, he fucked up beyond repair no matter what happens in ukraine now

And thought you guys were tough.
How the fuck are you actually getting bogged down by Ukrainians?
Why is your military so incompetent?

Great argument

You showed me good job. Still goes to desert storm

Desert Storm wasn't even a proper war
It was like playing against bots

Say it with me Jarek

Except it was the 3rd largest army that was totally soviet trained. But if that helps you cope

Look we get it, we all know you're salty about 2008. We'll get you your puny slivers of land back, just stop chimping out about it for 5 seconds.

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I feel like they are pulling their punches. Using up all the 1970's armaments that are expired on a soft target. Sending their shit tanks to make room for the new stuff. This or they are actually just a posturing faggot nation and doesn't really have the means to take over little Ukraine. Anyone's guess at this point.

Germany thinks he can speak, ahahahaha

Good job finally remembering Russia exists and scrambling to rebuild your withered-up army

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not me rus. your grandfathers defeated hitler. good fucking luck grandson.

True. It completely annihilated Russian economy in a matter of mere days.