WTF Ukrainians?

Allegedly Russian soldier captured by Ukrainian civilians, robbed of his uniform and thrown into a pithole waiting for the authorities to come

Attached: ddrbi91-4fb54ad2-d10c-4fc4-bf1f-e698a7f89b19.jpg (607x440, 307.17K)

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Angry civilians

he should be thankful he's alive

Jewish globo-homo

Attached: ZelenskyComedian.webm (1280x720, 2.96M)

he got off very lightly for an invader
they should have killed him

>russia getting dabbed on by this guy

Post Russian bussy

Why is his butt covered in oil?

How would you feel about invaders that kill your kin?

They shoulda just put scrap metal and soup cans into pillowcases and had a 'pillow fight' with him.


why'd they grease him up

damn he kinda thicc tho

Are all Russians that thicc? Is that why they're so homophobic, they got dat bussy poppin in their genes and have to repress it to prevent a complete homocracy?

that hurt me .. i cant understnad it

Attached: netflixukrainianskykang2.jpg (519x960, 239.1K)

>what are you doing step-ukraine?

Why do you think?

He was clearly lubed up and buttfucked, this is a warcrime!

makes for more interesting bets when the police come to arrest him.

Its supposed to be a war not a bucks night

Wtf why is he so hairless? Shaving his whole body for the chechen comrades i suppose? Damn all the Russian army gay orgy memes are true.

Attached: 1645896368135.png (667x586, 281.59K)

Hot dayum he built good

People stop fighting , it is jew rats that swindle your minds.
They give you different labels and explain how "other" side is wrong and you right.

Attached: warRussiaUkraine.jpg (3264x3264, 1.49M)

>captured by Ukrainian civilians
Yeah, if this is true I dont really have any sympathy for him

Please spell it out for me

you know what they say about wresting a pig...


Wait, are you saying they are not respectful to their invaders?
How dare they!

> who's the pig now ?

nice ass and legs. that's some good bucci

>another victim of the Odessa ass bandit
Bros how do we stop him?

Attached: odessa.jpg (610x715, 50.02K)

Putin and Zelensky are from the same globo homo club, they both play a long with Covid scam and inject population for profit with something that no one of us need.

Attached: smash Kike.jpg (708x515, 33.61K)

Woman butt????

False! This is a guy that was caught a year ago trying to meet with 13-year old boy and was captured by so called "pedophile hunters". But yes, in happened in Russia.

BAAAAAAASED! Just don't tell reddit pwease

>Angry homosexual propaganda civilians


Sounds about right for invaders. Fuck 'em.