Leftists BTFO

leftists BTFO

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What does that even mean

The fuck is this retard smoking? Every human on earth has lived under nuclear threat since the 1950s.

I can already imagine all the snarky tweets about how this is all the bad orange man's fault

I really don't understand that. It's like you fed an AI a bunch of boomer Republican tweets and then told it to right its own.

Millenials were the greatest mistake.

and god wasteth a fine set of numbers on an american swine

I am not scared at all pussy boomers. Is this what you faggots were bitching about all throughout the cold war?

Definitely should ride leftists asses about this.
They started WWIII.
They supported Biden even after he got caught meddling in Ukraine and bought the distraction with Trump being accused of that same shit.
They are either ignorant or evil.

Leftist millennials are universally faggots. They are the greatest threat to the future of the West.

Please fucking nuke us PLEASE

Gayest tweet and thread I've seen all day. The day the last boomer dies should be a national holiday.

millenials are like 40 now

Boomer moment

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t. Millennial

Really? I remember them saying North Korea was going to nuke us

Soo tired of hearing boomer republicans talk about how le identity politics all the time. They've made it cringe to make fun of sjws. Hell, even using the term sjw is boomer cringe.


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the norks can hardly hit hakkaido there is no way they could hit the us

Fuck off. Politicians create these conflicts. I don't care about Russia. I just want to eat avocado toast and drink lacroix.

Nothing true is cringe.

And some pathetic liberal attempts at rebuttals and NO U's.

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It kinda is, though. SJW jokes were funny like 10 years ago during GamerGate. Now that the facebook crowd has caught up, it's getting stale. Especially seeing them shoehorn it in every damn conversation and political topic. Got old real fast.

>decades of sucking off Israel and committing war crimes against supposed allies
>millennials caused all this

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I think hes trying to say they spent all their time complaining about offensive speech instead of nukes.

It's a boomer politician, user.
It's most likely trying to say something along the lines of
>bet you wish you pulled those bootstraps up like we told you, now we're gonna burn it all down and you're fucked

yaas,, privilege checked!

Is anyone retarded enough to take Putin's nuclear threat seriously?