Why Hasn't Russia Cut The Power?

Seems like the the first thing one would do when assaulting a large city.

Attached: Darnyts'ka Tets Power Station.png (400x337, 345.87K)

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You mean like how Ukraine cuts the water supply to their own fucking people?

Russia are the good guys.

>the world is manichean
the reason why this board is retarded and has so many bad takes

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Because its a take over, not a blitzkrieg, beside if they destroy it, they have to rebuild it, WITH MONEY(ruble)

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they aren't playing total war, and they're losing as well, perhaps if they were willing to raze ukraine to the ground they could win.

Because this is all theater.

>they're losing as well

>If they take our territory we win.

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They’re actual liberators, not Baghdadesque liberators.

>he doesn't know any modern battle like WW2

Cut power to it's own people! This is how stupid Americans are! Ukraine is made up largely of Russian people. When the USA invaded Iraq they destroyed everything, the water, the electricity, internet...as the USA and co didn't give a shit about the people, hence all the war crimes. Russia wants to keep Ukraine intact for future people. USA can't think that far ahead.

They don't want to harm Ukrainian civilians, only ZOG.

I blame christians and their cuck mentality fir this.

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Likely because they would need to do some drastic action like bombing it since they aren't in control of the power plants.
That would be against Russia plans of reducing civilian stuff to a minimum.

In addition, it would fuck up with whatever plans Russia has in the future for Ukraine, be jt puppet govt or annexing it. Would completely derail Kiev economy and make post war recovery much harder, wjth Russia needing to spend more money in that.
And that's basically the reason why they aren't bombing Ukraine into the stone age. They need it to kinda of still be working after the war.

I would guess that when they get to the power plants they could choose to cut of energy to certain areas.

>too many movies in my head, the post.

>>Russia are the good guys.
Putin is not the good guy

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They need the power, too. Have you seen how bad the logistics have been?
This is why why they don't unload all their ammo on civilian buildings that aren't shooting at them.
There are not floating power generators or ammo packs respawning 50 seconds after pickup.

they may be playing into this weak narrative so that when they've taken the eastern half a blitzkrieg operation is much easier. So far Russia is sending in outdated military equipment and muslims. Considering with Russian birth rate replacement being at 1.5, chechens could become a major issue to the unsustainable russian population in the oncoming decades so thinning their numbers isn't a bad idea in a machiavellian way
call this a cope, but the ghost of kiev could have been made up by russians. the weaker russia looks, the less likely other countries are to intervene.
at some point it will be too late for other countries to intervene as the cities will be surrounded and supplies will take too long to mobilize.

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Because "winning" isn't the goal of this "war".

(1) A few days ago, we saw that SARS-CoV-2 has a sequence that Moderna patented in 2016 (US 9,587,003); see 10.3389/fviro.2022.834808
(2) We saw WEF/Schwab connection to Putin; see: bitchute.com/video/bG52kTWUuAzw/
(3) We find US biolabs in Ukraine; see: ua.usembassy.gov/embassy/kyiv/sections-offices/defense-threat-reduction-office/biological-threat-reduction-program/
(4) We saw the Faucci/Gain-of-Function connection.
(5) We saw corrupt officials' families' connections to Ukraine; IIRC: Biden, Romney, Pelosi, Kerry.
(6) We saw the document burning yesterday.

All this, put together, means that (1) this "war" is theater to distract/coverup destruction of evidence; the evidence that this was all *PREMEDITATED MURDER*, not "an accident", or "miscalculation" not at any level, and (2) this genetic engineering was *ALWAYS* a goal of this murder.

neither is the ukraine government!

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It's a jewish war where the slavs are used as blood sacrifice, fuck them both (as in Pitun and Jewinsky)