Even Putin's generals looked stunned: Military chiefs are caught in the headlights as Vlad orders his nuclear deterrent forces to go on 'alert' with a decree that shocked the world

Vladimir Putin's closest advisers appeared perturbed when he dropped his bombshell about readying nuclear weapons yesterday.

The expressions of army general Valery Gerasimov and defence minister Sergey Shoygu were caught on camera as the Russian president put his atomic arsenal on stand-by.

A senior US defence official said last night Putin's step is 'potentially putting in play forces that if there's a miscalculation could make things much, much more dangerous'.


Even the top brass of the military aren't having any of it.

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ok bro

He has tho.

go honk more, retard

>concern trolling

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Nuclear Alert is literally concerning. Especially with Boomers who are at the end of their life. They hate the fact that people will exist after they die. They hate that people will possibly have better lives than them. They HATE you.

>why can't we, too, serve under true leader?

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Why does one of them look Asian

Because russians are eurasian.

no shit, so which general is doing the backchannel to the Pentagon discussing his ouster?

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They are just trying to figure out who of them might get the Miloshevitch prison cell. They are Putin's ass-lickers, and won't protest.

>They hate that people will possibly have better lives than them.
tbf, I'd guess Boomers pretty much already ruled that one out.

>implying shoygu and gerasimov didn't advise him he needed to do it and weren't aware of his decision before the announcement
It's wartime propaganda you retarded memeflag.

Oh wow they had and expression on their face in a photo!!!! PUTIN HAS NO SUPPORT FROM HIS GENERALS!!! THIS STILL FRAME PIC WITH FACES PROOVVS IT

Will they turn on him? Will anyone? Putin in charge = you your parents and everyone you love dying in nuclear fire

>Generals being anti-war
nigger most generals nut at the idea of testing out their war strategies and equipment. They want to win a bug war to be remembered. Generals only become anti-war when its politically acceptable to do so

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They don't have to agree, they just have to execute his orders, and pilpuling faggots like OP.

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See They all would have had these conversations hundreds of times together in the year leading up to this war. How stupid can you be?

You're assuming Putin is rational and not dying or suffering from some break from reality
Ukraine won't end well for his country and he must know this. If he doesn't then his is truly gone



Why not just post a link to the CIA's website if you think I'm going to believe that trash?

I pity Putin. I don't know what it is he is trying to do, but his lashing out at this time and in this manner seems irrational. It does not seem like him. Something has him spooked.

Putin in charge = your doom you filthy fucking kike

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You're assuming Putin makes all the decisions himself and doesn't consult with his CDS and defence secretary and their staff before making the vast majority of them. That is a stupid thing to do. They would have had these discussions hundreds of times during the risk assessments and contingency planning for this war. I don't think you have any understanding of how things work, do you?

The Daily Mail. A UK tabloid in full wartime propaganda mode.