This Jewish nerd almost us into WW3, fuck you Zelinksy

This Jewish nerd almost us into WW3, fuck you Zelinksy.
You shelled the separatists and you don't give a fuck about your people because you gave everyone guns so you could fucking hide.
You need to fuck off ASAP, surrender and go live in Los Angeles.
Hyperboea is finished with brother wars.

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Russia isn’t the enemy, our politicians are

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sanction libtards my nigga
we got the trucks

Hyperborea eh? Let me ask, what do you think of Putin's claim that he's going after nazis in Ukraine? Do you think he should really be going after Jews instead? If so, do you think that's really one of his motivations? And how would those two jibe together? How would you explain all the wealthy Jews who are close to Putin? Something tells me that your answer is going to be typed out by a total fucking schizo.

Can't wait til it comes out that he's been hiding in Poland since two weeks ago already.

go away russian bot

Looks like chadtalian

Zelensky, and the entire Ukrainian govt. apparatus, is against neo-nazism. They would purge the nazis without question in ordinary times.
But, because of a Russian invasion, they don't have the space to do so. In fact, they have to arm the nazis and give them power to avoid Russian expansion.
This is because death involves the loss of all wealth, so a materialist ideology such as capitalism or marxism cannot explain why one should die for it.
Which is why governments must always appeal to other instincts in wartimes. Capitalists refer to the nationalistic and ethnic identities, and communists to the class consciousness.
>don't be fooled, the latter is more arbitrary than the former
And so nationalist movements must gain support from the establishment in times of crisis.
But this, sadly, means that the Nazis are a tool for Zelensky. They're fighting for the govt. of Ukraine and, if they win, they'll be purged from said government.
>not in any violent way, but through the mundane propaganda and staff reorginizations we all know
Furthermore, Russia was not in a strong position even before this conflict. In the event that they lose, there may be a coup or some other event leading to their decline.
This would create a bit of breathing room for the governments in the West, which could turn back towards us.
So, for the moment, a Russian victory is necessary. Even though they're pro-jew and anti-nationalist.
When the (((democracy))) is destroyed, and neo-nazis are free from them, I will support them wholeheartedly.

not a jew. a kike.

jews get killed in camps.
kikes are the ones who arrange it.

get it right.

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denazification is propaganda to russia. if you cant remember the nazis absolutely fucked up russia.
putin just wants the sepratists and the coastline.
he will likely get it as well.

Honey this is what peak political genius performance looks like

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this guy is the biggest larper, all the photo ops of this guy supposedly being on the front lines circulating on reddit and twitter right now were taken pre invasion

Interesting, you chose to answer none of my questions.


Just noticed you are not the OP, nevermind.

I think it answers the more basic question as to why a White nationalist would be in favor of a Russian victory, even though he's siding with jews against nazis.

>You shelled the separatists
Oh no the horror, he should send them flowers like Putin did with chechens right?

No way OP isn't ESL. Rage harder ex KGB shitskin.

He's an Israeli citizen. For real. You can't make this shit up

pray to Kek we see this kike strung from a lamp post

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What? I guess you didn't understand the questions i asked either. Hint: they were about making actual sense of Putin's motivations vs. the anti-Jewish stance common among his supporters. Another hint: I was asking questions about Putin. Do you not understand he and Zelinsky are different people?

>t. 56 year old american

He was also disturbingly racist to African refugees fleeing his warzone. Ummm, no. That's not ok. He needs to resign.

Here's hoping

Yes, your questions were about how Putin, surrounded by jews, is going after neo-nazis.
The thing is, the neo-nazis are just being used by Ukraine. It doesn't matter that they're based, because their victory would be one for globohomo. Similarly, it doesn't matter that Putin is being led by kikes against the ebil nazis. Because his victory would actually be in our favor.

He is the gaius baltar of our armageddon

Interesting opinions. How would i find out the things you say are true? Can i find out the same way that you did? If so, please point me to the proof that convinced you, i would like to see it for myself.

OP, this is Houston, over. Are you not going to answer the questions i asked here? -->

"Almost" ? nigger only reason we aren't in the middle of a hot WW3 is nukes. But i dont think thats going to last long. The escalations in this are mind blowing. GET OUT OF CITIES.

The idea that Ukraine is anti-nazi is taken from Zelensky's public statements, jewish identity, and goal of westernizing (which would require removing eyesores like the Azov)
Similarly, Putin has said several times that he is against all forms of ethnic nationalism, so I doubt that his hatred of the nazis is fake. Though I am skeptical that it's why he invaded.
The argument that liberal states must embrace nationalism for war came largely from The End of History and the Last Man, but is also a common idea in marxist literature.
The rest is just using these beliefs to predict what might happen. Probably inaccurate, but fun nonetheless.


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