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The same polls that said Trump would lose

op just posted it

Don't see an archived link. OP is a faggot for it.

Just give him an ice cream cone and tell him to think happy thoughts

I keep getting "upload failed" when I try to post from my PC. What does it mean, broughs?

Psyop. Labeling him as demented hides the fact that that is not Joe Biden, but instead is an actor playing him.

>The same polls that said Trump would lose
You mean the guy on the other side of the isle they constantly go after? Well yea.
Which means in Biden's case this poll is WAY WAY WORSE than they admit. But they have to admit something don't they.

>Washington Post issues information critical of Biden


How can I get in touch with your employers, brother? $0.001 dollaroos per post would help me keep my entire family fed.

Sorry, no refunds.

Attached: 16603159_1376969215708779_885786143964877859_n.jpg (720x960, 64.66K)

Most popular president in history.

Attached: 1602591294650.jpg (1024x743, 148.97K)

Asking for a an archived link doesn't make me a shill, you dumb beaner, it just makes OP a faggot.

>Joe resigns
>Kuntmala becomes president without ever needing to campaign
They know exactly what they are doing

Biden closed the cycle of the old world order, now the world is in the new world order, america chose dishonor and won the war. I don't respect the USA anymore, for me it's a socialist country like Venezuela.

Yes, I can't wait for President Harris and Vice President Pelosi.

This is big brained.

Doesn't matter
If we make it two more years this dumb bastard has no chance in hell and if he somehow still wins every single person in America won't fall for that bullshit twice when he's this hated

Its AISLE lmao you gotta be 18+ to post here retard kek

Attached: 1635442974168s.jpg (79x125, 2.06K)

being uneducated and being a loser because of it is the underlying cause of rabid trumpism in 99% of cases

Go Putin!
>Go Putin!
Go Putin!
>Go Putin!
Go Putin!

Attached: dance party.gif (680x331, 2.44M)

You do realize that Democrats are composed of poor non-whites, the lowest IQ demographic

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