Started musing to myself a little here...

Started musing to myself a little here, after seeing a lot of posts regarding women and the role of us men when it comes to the current unstable situation. Frequently the whole "sort yourself out and be a man" line of thinking comes up to great contention.

And along this line of reasoning, I began to think about how individualistically centered it all is. And so in my post here, I'm postulating that it's precisely this incredibly ingrained mode of mind here in the west so dedicated to "the individual" that's its greatest weakness and reason for its current state of decay. Let me explain.

This idea of men having to be strong men by virtue of leadership, through masking his emotions and never showing signs of weakness, to be this incredibly stoic almost-hero figure all on his own, through his own struggle and merits is precisely the end result of the individualistic mindset taken to its logical conclusion. Right now, we have an entire generation (multi-generation, actually) of young men who are currently adrift, lost, purposeless, because it's expected of them to be this nebulous idea of being a strong, individual man. This oft spouted platitude of "just be a man, bro" is utterly useless and falls upon deaf ears. Or rather, ears which cannot understand.

This generation of young men, coming from a generation of older men who likewise were fostered under this individualist banner, in combination of great prosperity, were never taught HOW to be this "man". Family, but no family. Father, but no father. These requisite things that are to be taught to young boys so that they become actual men never was taught. So when they came of age, and society at large still expects them to "be a man", they're left to fend on their own, picking up bits and pieces of both truth and lies, having to experiment, and in doing so creating a shaky foundation which can't stand up to the world, versus having a solid foundation ingrained by father and family.


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Other urls found in this thread:

So basically, we have this contradiction here, where society, and those men fortunate enough to actually become men, expect this lost generation of men to "be men", when they were never taught, and have no fundamental understanding. Preaching individualism to people ill-equipped, or even not equipped at all, is like demanding the stones in front of you to move. How can they? They have no arms or legs to.

It's one thing to know something. It's another entirely to *understand* something. So now we've got an entire society filled with young men playing a fucked up game of telephone regarding how to be a REAL MAN, with BS coming from all sides, including their own parents, from women, from governments and institutions, and even their fellow men. All this misinformation, filling their heads with knowledge, but no actual understanding. This creates dysfunction, and inevitably dissatisfaction. Because these young men don't know how to cope, how to solve problems, how to make their lives better, because they were never taught. They tried to learn, but learned wrong. And so, rather than moving forward, another masculine aspect to be taught but wasn't, they just quit playing and give up entirely.

So basically what I'm saying is, I think it's time to stop preaching this individualist mindset to young men, to "pull themselves up by their bootstraps" and to just "be a man", in all that nebulous uselessness. Stop telling young men to fix themselves, and instead start encouraging men who ARE in right mind and ability to start encouraging and building up these young lost men, becoming active positive role models and mentors, bringing back actual masculine relationships, rather than this destructive effort to tear other guys down by diminishing them for being unable to do what you are able to.

This is not something that men can fix by themselves. It's something that men have to fix together.

Anyways, wish I could have been a bit more verbose in all this.


Phone bump cause board is so fast



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bump 2 still reading

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Yeah sorry it's a bit much. Just my unrefined thoughts posted for the first time.

never noticed the star of david on the gun. great art just keeps on giving.

OP, individualism is one of the core tenants upon which America was built, the freedom to go out and do your own thing.... within relative reason of course, no such thing as actual freedom considering you need a permit or licensing for virtually anything you'd want to do.
But I get where you're coming from that individualism isn't taught very well today, and many aspects of it is pushed in the wrong directions, men are being driven in droves, DROVES, D R O V E S!
Out of society, by many different factors, men of all color, primarily white and asians, and I believe a large part of our technological leaps forward are to blame for this, men have infinite distractions available to them, I know I'm guilty of indulging in them, I love vidya. But it is ultimately destructive to my life, just like porn.

Good thoughts. Through history civilizations have had ceremonies and trials where the older men would teach, test and then honor the process of turning a boy to a man. Now we send our boys to get brain washed by zog at college and call them failures for the utter lack of skills they aquire at these institutions.

>OP, individualism is one of the core tenants upon which America was built, the freedom to go out and do your own thing
Right, and right here is where I can point out the fundamental flaw of this entire idea. Yes, exactly as you said, the FREEDOM to go out and do your own thing. The CHOICE. NOT the EXPECTATION.

That's where we're at today. All young men are EXPECTED to be individualist, with literally no support network to rely upon, nor to help guide them in their most formative years. So you have this ideal, and a generation of men unable to live up to it.

Lol, this OP faggot teen without a father figure.

Checked, OP is not a faggot

yeah no shit genius. it's worship of the self over all else. john doyle has a good couple videos on this subject

>and call them failures for the utter lack of skills they aquire at these institutions.
Yeah, and this is kinda the most fucked part about it.

>create a prescribed set of parameters and expectations for success under a system which necessarily is volatile, fluctuates, and is dependent heavily on diminishing supply of opportunity
>get angry at the new generations as this system reaches its logical conclusion of less opportunity and prosperity

But it's not just the distractions, the social ecosystem will never be the same, and with radical ideas taking off like onlyfans where prostitution is virtually industrialized, streamlining thousands of women into the pornography industry, things are looking seriously grim, Weimar levels.
Just as men equally have no reason to plug into society, due to a lack of sincere support systems instead for trials by fire, where you're expected to know everything--
Women have no reason to select men in the majority category, and will only select from the top percentiles.
It is a consequence that deepens its own cause, a truly negative cycle.
Men, and women, but mostly men, are not taught skills of self-reliance, growing food, carpentry skills, and various other important trades that society needs to function, and even worse, younger generations feel encouraged to actively avoid such types of work in favor for jobs more sociable in hopes for getting a chance to be in the top percentiles of breeding choices for women, what the fuck are comas?
So you throw men into a society with no way to gather resources, build themselves up, and are actively disregarded and shunned by women that are as low as 4/10 hot, even some 3/10 hots have been reported to be seen shunning men, but if you're going for 3/10's there's something wrong with you (please see vidrel to understand hot/crazy: )

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Being a man is irrelevant in 2022. Or let me rephrase: Being a man is not visibly relevant to most. Unless it’s fighting a war or driving a truck or leading a family to a positive outcome (which is made invisible by ideology). Thus these skills are not taught or necessary until oh fuck Putin invaded, maybe we should have kept some toxic males around.

tl;dr the market determines the skills there is no need for males in an advanced economy’s free market

So what do we do for men?
Well, the fact you're here, right now, making this thread, asking this question, is a sign you're on the right path, good you want to learn.
But how do we get more men to come here with intents of self-improvement, furthermore, how do we convince these men that self-improvement is actually good for them? They are programmed to always believe they are weak to the system, and forever dependent upon the corporate machine, and it's rigorous schooling(indebting) requirements.
That's it.
We just have to make self-improvement look good, by way of showing the fruits one earns upon completion of their labors.
Now, I'm not sure how I'd meme that....

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All that just seems to be a consequence of having lived in an ever-increasing feminized society, where boys and girls alike are being taught by women how to be something they're not, because of the inherent fickleness of women. Women are meant to nurture, not teach. Now imagine the sheer scope of this situation. Men pawning off their kids to be taught by women, or at best, neutered men, in these educational institutions, and it's no fucking wonder we've got a basket case generation.

This is, fundamentally and first and foremost, a failure by men. The capable men decided, foolishly, that women were just as capable of teaching their young sons. Well, this is the end product of that foolish idea. And so, it's up to them to fix the mistake that they made. Of course, the older generations (aka boomers) will never, ever, admit they fucked up, all the way to their graves. So it's up to our own generations to come together and stop being so fractured and atomized, and to teach fellow men how to be men.

Now putting that into actual practice? Well, that's a bit harder. Cause we're all so selfish these days, despite suffering together.

>That's it.
>We just have to make self-improvement look good, by way of showing the fruits one earns upon completion of their labors.
No. I disagree here, and this is what I'm kind of referring to in my OP. Simply SAYING is not enough. It's equally as useless as the catch-all phrase "just be a man bro". No, what is actually NEEDED is physical, tangible mentorship and fraternal relationship bonds. By actually physically connecting with other people, not just being told by anonymous faces and funny pictures on the Internet, that is the only way these lost generations of young men can begin to fundamentally alter the structures of their thinking, and perceptions of the world and themselves.

That's what's missing. Ted was fucking right. The Internet and especially social media technology has been a disaster for the human race. In trying to bring people together, we've grown more apart than ever before.

The core of all individualism, to me at least, is the same core of all self-improvement.
How can you desire for things greater in life with no motivation to improve yourself, or your surroundings, and no future in a dead end job.
Woe to the student indebt for a degree of no use, such dreams of greater things, shattered.
A mentor of mine once told me that women getting rights was the worst thing that ever happened to them, and the country-- women are now required to work as the value of labor went tremendously down with costs of living going up, and feminization radically effects many men, still to this day.
I' don't think a woman can't teach, the female teachers that taught me the most were the ones that nurtured me the most, but they were few and far in between, as all the men that taught me all had a lasting impact on my life.
I was just kinda brainstorming, I really don't know how we'll reach younger generations.

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>I was just kinda brainstorming, I really don't know how we'll reach younger generations.
Well yeah, me too, and me neither. I'm just drinking and musing here, cause I seriously think this is the conversation that needs to be talked about more. We keep looking to the symptoms, identifying causes, but never really discussing solutions.

This needs to be an open conversation. Cause the world is rapidly spiraling into a worse and worse place, and at the very least, for our own survival, for the survival of the young generation(s), we need to know how to help ourselves, not as indivuals but as a unit of solidarity. Fuck women and all that. For now, we need to save ourselves, because right now we are a house divided, and a house divided against itself cannot stand.

In a way, the general spread of young men is kinda like a mirror of the families we came from. Full of young men who were either abused or neglected, with a minority who came out correctly. However that minority is now abusing and neglecting the majority, when it should be fostering and teaching.

Anyways, maybe this thread is too much to consider at once. I hope others get to read it and contribute though.

We got a slew of shit to worry about already, scamdemic, war for ZoG, chimpouts trying to turn cancel culture(as in cancel your heart beat) into a literal thing, many things driving us apart.... and together.
We need to make more infographics.

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