What kind of angle is China playing at?

What kind of angle is China playing at?

Attached: 146F934D-96A5-41D5-9549-6CEEC1C0692F.jpg (765x477, 104.61K)

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Short everything Russian for a few days, then buy it up

Realistically trading with Russia isn't worth anything to China

The angle of "let's play these dumb gwailo against each other as we become an economic powerhouse as the west declines into degeneracy and slav shitholes reform a new ussr"

Attached: 1643114178230.webm (696x522, 1.72M)

Stupid faggot alert - avoid all contact

>collapse russia
>take everything east of the urals as chinese territory

They’re playing at the “holy shit we had no idea the west was this unified”

they're going to stop financing it in the US dollar, once Russia is out of SWIFT the Chinese plan is to start trading gas and oil in their own currency exclusively

It's just good business

Attached: x1080.jfif.jpg (2541x1080, 191.49K)

Protecting financial interest like any smart country. No one wants Russian shitcoins

Russia has been occupying some choice coastline in China for a long time. Now is China's chance to see Russia get subdivided between its neightbors.

Trading with Russians is not worth it. China is all about business and Russia will be out of business soon. They will win Ukrainian war, they will take that fucking Ukraine Putin wants so much but by the cost of collapse of his own nation.

Yeah, you expect them to take that business from the Singapore division and move it to the mainland. Foreign regulators can't "investigate" it or sanction it

Is it? Russia already barely has an economy and the sanctions will now wipe it out completely

the smart kind
this is what china wants, maybe more
have you ever made your enemies fight until they are tired so you can take advantage of the situation? sounds like a good strategy

Stupid faggot alert - avoid all contact

Attached: you.jpg (341x299, 4.69K)

Horse shit ! China just removed import tariffs for Russia! And what do you think that means for the West? Ukraine and Russia produce all the food and food oils and fertilizers, now Russia owns Ukraine and all the food! Well done NATO!

They "support" the west 1 of 2 things happen.

1) Russia gets even more desperate as things get worse, it escalates and the USA is drawn into an armed conflict. Once the USA is engaged, China is free to do as they please.

2) Russia gives up, and China gets to save face with the rest of the world and say "Hey look we helped!"

>Putin does a hand shake deal with Xi at the Olympics where he thinks Xi will back him if the west fucked over the Russian economy because of Ukraine
>Xi, being a fucking chink that holds distain for all white people, backstabs Russia
>Now Xi can claim China is a "good guy" and win back the favor of the west and all they had to do was sacrifice their old rival to do so

And retards here actually pretended China was going to ally with Russia. Never trust a chink.

Russia has the 11th-largest economy in the world and provides China with half of its oil imports. You're a stupid faggot

Russia give up! You don't know fuck all about the Russians lol what a fucking stupid cunt, try reading a book and stop watching YouTube videos!

They're not nearly as strong as all of their tough talk and shill articles talking about how they're creating Gundams or super children with ESP say they are so they don't want the west pissed at them now that shit actually has hit the fan.

They started the game playing neutral, letting Russia go all in believing they were backed by their "friend" China.
Now that China is the only financial option left for Russia they can start squeezing them. Don't like it? Well too bad, you don't have a choice Putin-boy.

I wonder how long until Russia chances their currecy to the Yuan

They are trying to signal to the West that they are trying to do something while pulling a temporary measure they will restore when we are looking elsewhere.