Is everyone here really that hardcore of a contrarian or are we really getting bombarded with Ivan glowfag propaganda

Is everyone here really that hardcore of a contrarian or are we really getting bombarded with Ivan glowfag propaganda

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This is a pro Putin board



Go suck you rusky daddies dick you vpn Ivan

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The truth is that both sides are super fucked up and did shady shit

I hate all of you the same

The jews should die
I don't care if 99% of the world dies
As long as the remaining 1% is non jew

>using pic of cuckman phil.
Go back to plebbit tranny.


Dunno, is it?

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I really dont care about slavs so i shill for Russia in one post then Ukeainians in the next, who cares, they aint humans


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Already since you have such insider information please tell me how a sovereign Nation being unprovokingly invaded is really a good thing

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All fields

pol has always been russian shill central, but they boosted pro-trump and nazi shit so nobody cared
now there's an actual split, so it's glaringly obvious
just wait until putin is out and the shill farms switch off
you will not recognise this place

yet another ukraine agill thread and the accuser accusing us of what he is doing.

It's all so tiresome..

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it's not contrarian
people just have access to information that isn't force fed to them from the bilderberg group

All right Ivan tell me your real view why would you support this give me a good explanation a rational explanation cite your sources and explain how this unprovoked attack on a sovereign Nation is hecking based

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hardcore contrarian. for proof look at the shift in opinion on covid. before it went mainstream this place was going batshit about it and how we were all going to die. as soon as it hit the news suddenly covid didn't exist and it was just a coof.

There is literally no winner here. The only way to win is support decentralization. Maybe if we can be rid of corrupt power mongers these stupid wars and bid to strip us of our rights and freedoms will stop. People who support Russia or Ukraine are only supporting different factions of globohomo.

I don’t want to be an annoying contrarian, but it seems I’ve become one in a big way. Either my mind is completely shot, or 90% of humanity are completely delusional, misguided retards.

It might be me. But I honestly don’t think so.

Sorry, what was your ethnicity, again? Oh, wait you don't have any. You're just a bunch of trash leaves.

Are you really an Ivan hammering away at his computer like a chimpanzee or are you legitimately out of your mind

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Slav detected.


ukraine is Reddit: The Country.

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NATO is setting up military bases in Ukraine. It's a similar situation to the bay of pigs but in reverse.
Russia doesn't want NATO to have nukes on their doorstep.

Make up your own mind homosexual

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A proud one at that.

Lol go sick paki dick u polish toilet cleaner

Theres only one sensible position here.

Ukraine is globohomo.
Russia is desperate.

But like always Russia is logical. They aren't crazy. They just argue if Ukraine joins NATO, then they can no longer fight over Crimea like they've been doing for a decade.

Thus Ukraine shouldnt join NATO. Simple as that.

These arguments about Putin the 'madman', Russia has 'lost it'..

This is 100% globohomo propaganda.

Ukraine should never have armed their civilians. Because now Russia has justification to just glass kyiev and claim they didn't kill a single civillian.

Come on now Ukraien you came brag about how every man is waiting for Russia troops with guns ready to shoot from windows..
And then claim your civilians were targetted by bombs. One or the other. Can't be both

That what Russia should do. Load up some missle sysyems in Cuba for old times sake. Nobody cares about this sort of thing now days.