How come we never saw this many dead Americans during the invasion of Iraq?

How come we never saw this many dead Americans during the invasion of Iraq?

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Because all war is fake.

These are crisis actors.

You're not paying attention to the reality of what is happening in your own country.

that is a uniform stuffed with rags

Americans soldiers were safer in Iraq then civilians in the US.

Probably because a well funded white army fighting against non white local militias isn't comparable to a poorly funded quasi white army fighting against an arguably whiter people.
>But the U.S. isn't white
True, but it's army is, or at least was in Iraq.

Because your media did not report it.

Because half the Iraqis hated Saddam and Iraq wasn't getting 10k magic tank buster missiles from some outside power jacking off from the sidelines.

One american is worth ten enemy to them so they took it slow and killed everything from across the desert.

Can someone explain why their ground attack vehicles look like something they purchased from a country who originally bought the equipment after the fall of the Soviet Union?

Because Iraq isnt a european country.


Bet they never showed this one in the U.S

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>close up of only one “dead” person

Because smartphones and even though smartphones came out in 07 most people still didn't have them in the 2000s. It was either slide or flip.

>How come we never saw this many dead Americans during the invasion of Iraq?
>How come we never saw
>How come we

YOU never saw a dead human because YOU have never been in combat. Herb in all fields. No bump for your faggot thread.

ay blyat lois

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I guess you've never been in a gore thread?

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Because the internet wasn’t really around to spread literally any pictures of dead or wounded soldiers and claim they were from Iraq

This, but unironically. All memes aside, the us army is VERY good at waging conventional warfare.

>How come we never saw this many dead Americans during the invasion of Iraq?
The Russians are playing softball. There is still electricity in Kiev for fucks sake. Americans would have knocked it out, and all water too, within hours.

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Anyone who ever says "crisis actors" unironically should be slowly tortured to death for as long as possible.

how many smartphones did people have in Iraq?

It's fake user

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Because the ukrops know what's coming, so they fight hard.

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Life is an illusion. The only thing that's real is the endless screaming in my head.

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Simple, because in a war it's two armys fighting, USA was just remote control war that eventually LOST.

We did see a lot but there weren't smart phones back then

I agree

Never saw a Gore Thread?

There's loads of dead soldiers.

Smartphones weren't a thing yet and not everyone was going to lug around a camera and extra film in the middle of a war zone.

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Yeah, so good no one will fight them head on. I still can't believe they haven't figured out how to fight insurances. McDonalds and Walmart man. Just like they defeated America.

Peace is war
Freedom is slavery
Strength is ignorance
Oceania had never been at war with Eastasia

they're doing it to hide picrel and the economy bubbles

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Americans are Protoss, Russians are Zerg.

Fucking amazing

No. They did.

Pfizer is turning lots of people into pfertilizer.

I have never seen "war footage" this one sided and goofy in my life.
clown "war" for clown world.

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yes those were, if I remember correctly, blackwater mercs

They were getting mutions from Russia

First world nation invading a region that often didn't have stable power in the early 2000's before the internet gained the dominance that it does. Lack of platforms to stream or post recordings on.

Sad thing is that it just made us not care about how many Iraqi civilians were killed. If one side conducts itself like barbarians it makes supporting the other one much easier.

Because the internet was younger, plus not many Iraqis had it, so we only saw what the (((MSM))) wanted us to see.

Wow, what planet did you grow up on? I remember watching the Afghan and 2 Iraq invasions with all of the same pictures and video.

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So Russian propaganda is so incompetent they took a photo, did not alter it in any way and reuploaded it to tweet it as Ukranian soldiers less than 10 minutes after the first.

What's coming is thousands of Russians being sent home in boxes

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>D-don't look at what's happening to the invading force in this war. Watch something else instead.

It is a nice day on Landing Strip One

I've never seen any images of mass amounts of us troops and their equipment burned out anywhere online. Don't you think that stuff would be leaked everywhere online and in rekt threads. It's always just an IED or on or two marines getting hit. Not whole battalions.

It's all so tiresome this disinfo shit from both sides. I support Ukraine but I don't believe half of what pro-Ukr twitter is posting.

>Few coffins
Omg my feelers are so hurt

Soviet war strategy is to absolutely bombard your enemy with troops to overpower them. It's a strategy that does work, but the human toll is catastrophic. You can see reflections of this even to this this day in Russian demographics from employing this strategy in WWII. The US tries to conserve personnel as much as possible in comparison.

>Using 1960's technology

"W-we are just playing n-nicely"

What leader plays soft when their men are getting killed? Oh yeah, a weak leader.

No way Russia can handle this kind of warfare today. They’ve already lost an embarrassing number of vehicles

You are correct but the US uses PMCs because, even though they are Americans doing basically the same exact thing, the public doesn't care if they die. No flag dropped coffins to check your watch to.