Unlicensed radio troll here, I have a radio set to vox, and connected to yhe local ham net and a raspberry pi...

Unlicensed radio troll here, I have a radio set to vox, and connected to yhe local ham net and a raspberry pi, playing the USSR anthem on loop.

Attached: OV4ZITQ3UNJXDNVXAGYHANHK3A.jpg (1200x675, 173.31K)

shout that there are confirmed reports of nuclear detonations and see what happens.

Based. Been shitposting with my Chadfeng for years. Boomers tongue my anus

you get it

How to transmit on FM frequencies at high power?

Attached: hampepe.png (206x244, 8.7K)

sound less like trolling and more like a crime

I was listening to a couple boomers talking on the HAM a little while ago.

>playing the USSR anthem on loop.

Based 14.313/7.200 irl shitposter

Yea, he is probably shaking right now waiting for the FCC to kick his door in eh.
Never been a fine paid or time served so far.

Chadfeng and flowerpot antenna is all I need for a heap of fun. I'm working on making a mini whip antenna so I can listen to the shenanigans in Russia but I haven't figured out how to hook up the power supply and the grounding in an unobtrusive way.

Just use a mobile station so they can't triangulate your position retard.

mutt moment

I should totally do that, and play a few EAS tones... I also use the callsign N1G63R from time to time.

oh yes

Attached: 1645942388118.png (577x474, 364.08K)

I only do it from my car.

I also have a 7 watt FM broadcast band transmitter... all kinds of fun can be had with that.


I do this but on FM and with Johnny Rebel. You can buy a FM transmitter off Amazon that has 1-2 mile range. Find a spot on the dial with static, and transmit while driving (so you can't easily be found).

Attached: s-l1000 (1).jpg (1000x1000, 119.58K)

Driving around town spamming the local repeater with "attention, your attention please... niggerfaggot. I repeat, NIGGERFAGGOT. End transmission" is good clean fun.


The Jew fears the mobile radio transmitter.

Getting a license is easy and cheap

nigga gonna get foxhunted

Retard here, how can I get my beofeng to listen to any stations. No matter what frequency I put in, nothing happens.

you know your memefengs wont get out over HAMCHADS correct?

you buy subhuman chink hardware. stop being poor, and grow up.

but for fun, you can fuck with drive thrus no problem. most of them are in the 440.000mhz