Bunker cities?

Since nuclear bombs were first used on cities, haven’t cities on the surface become defenseless to nuclear weapons? So why haven’t governments started planned cities beneath the surface of with permanent populations?

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They don't want anyone to survive

Raven Rock by Garrett Graff. It's an easy read.

What about themselves? The capital city could be a bunker city for the government, the brain of the nation

This is pretty funny coming from a Swiss. You guys have bunkers and supplies in the alps for pretty much your whole population.

That's an underground datacenter using an abandoned salt mine, built 40 years ago.

They say it mines salt to this day.

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You mean the bunkers that haven't been maintained since the 80s? They are just storage for random stuff nowdays.

The elites have this under The Greenbrier hotel, nobody else. People used to build bomb shelters in the 50's.

What make you think they didnt ? And what make you think they would be enough retarded for warn you ?

So you’re saying we have secret underground cities with thousands of people?

I dont know maybe. A lot of crazy shits already happened and is happening without attracting much attentions. I just say its a possibility.

They've already got a synagogue under the Temple Mount.
Pic related.

Attached: Synagogue.png (1000x595, 184.33K)

I know. I’m just wondering why we are planning on colonizing mars and the moon before we have underground cities

>You mean the bunkers that haven't been maintained since the 80s? They are just storage for random stuff nowdays.
Yeah, ok Swissanon, it's not like we can travel to mountainkikeland and steal your bunker citadels

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i watched a youtube vid on some small ones. they're kinda cool but apparently depressing as fuck to actually live in, which i get


Don't be dumb, maintaining a population of 1000's underground is ridiculous when several studies into minimum viable population for avoiding genetic malformities and social psychological health barely break 500 individuals on the high end.

Agreed - one of the few non-schizo books on underground infrastructure/'continuity of government'.
Audiobook is torrentable and he has a number of 'book tour' type speeches on YT

Knowing the extent/expense of the US Gov COG plans help put things like war posturing and covid into perspective when they aren't being enacted. ie don't panic until helo evacs begin.
Simarly 'Command and Control' by Eric Schlosser is another pop-sci book on nuclear silos/accidents/bunkers.

>Mr. President, we cannot allow a mine gap!

i would assume there are already enormous bunker cities, the roof is probably so high you cannot see it

There are quite a few underground cities.

How do I gain access as a civilian?

Lol. Nobody tell him about the parallel underground civilization.

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they exist, but are not for anyone outside the 1%
top military and ayys also have theirs.


>Cities can rebuild, Zach

Attached: cities can rebuild.jpg (800x518, 54.4K)

>So why haven’t governments started planned cities beneath the surface of with permanent populations?
Oh but they have user. You have no idea