We're all going to die

The final and ultimate happening is upon us.

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It'll be alright user, it could be worse being nuked and having niggers, so at least you don't have niggers in Latvia.


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>Every world war has been caused by slavs.
And you faggots thought niggers were the problem.

very rare dr robotnik


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Evangelion is shit.


Nah, all you eurofags are gonna die. Me, and the other cool dudes of america are gonna be grilling some dank fucking burgers. Bye sven, bye nigel, bye hanz, bye ivan. I would say nice knowing ya... but... eh, you understand.

But I don't even like Tang.

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I can't stop thinking about that old Any Forums post where the nip says "Russians are like black but wrong color by accident"

Take that back or I will kill myself.

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Europe would only get about 10~ mins of warning if Russia launched ICBMs. 30 for US anons.

Strange times we live in.

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30 minutes? I can work with that...

Oh jesus not this shit again...

they did us dirty user
t. reifag

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They're the Tartarians. The Satanic cabal has been at war with them for all of recorded history. They're retarded and inbred because they wanted to keep their bloodlines pure. The Targaryens are possibly based on the Tartarians also, and the mad king is a result of inbreeding. Putin might be the real life mad king.

There will be a peace agreement tomorrow followed by a ceasefire, all brokered by biden.

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Boomers do not want a world to exist without them.

There will be a false flag in New York followed by a nuclear exchange between The United States and Russia, then project bluebeam will be activated.

Thank God!!

Based Evangelion and Threads chads

Digits confirm the birds are going to fly

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If it wasn't for nuclear holocaust, do you think he was planning another Eva series/movies?

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