This will create a force beyond anyone's control

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He's right. Russia's economy is in an irrecoverable nosedive and the nukes will start flying once they realize they have nothing left to lose

you laugh now, but the markets at open tomorrow are going to be a bloodbath

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is this biden's final move, to destroy the US economy once and for all?

Yea I think people are not taking this as seriously as they maybe should. Remember when some American home owners not being to pay their bills nearly rekt the whole world? Well now a whole country and pay their bills.

* can't pay their own bills

Can they afford to pay the button pusher at this point? I'm very scared anons, we shouldn't have poked the vodkanigger

Isn't democracy a sham in Russia? Don't understand how sanctions ruining lives of everyday Russians will effect Putin and his oligarchy. Affect military/regime relations? Inner circle probably positioned themselves to profit from major downturn. Basically, our response has been to inflict maximum damage on Russian civilians WHILE letting Putin do what he wants in Ukraine.

trash comment, he says nothing.
this isn't postworthy unless you intent to go tell him he hasn't said shit and need s to man up with a commitment so we can batter his retarded persuasive "prediction". otherwise he should just be ignore until he decides to fully embrace retardation and actually say something

Germany will still be paying for Russian natural gas in Euros if they want to keep the lights on.

Good thing nuclear weapons arent real.

Remember when the entire world shut down for a coof and then the market went on a massive bullrun?

Democracy is more of a sham in the US than it is in Russia.

russia's debt is entirely related to the west. if they can't use swift to pay shit that means that their debt is just straight zeroed and the faggots will make some big guys lose 100s billions of dollars fucked. same shit with raw materials that russia can use for themselves because they don't have to sell to other countries. tomorrow is gonna be a fucking shitshow

Paul is correct. You cannot just delete a major participant in the global economy without seismic blowback...not even from a tactical standpoint, moreso the forces inherent in the system. No telling what this will entail. Im resisting the temptation to drink and disengage. I will disengage, but in a sober and conscious way.

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Oh this is MUCH bigger than us mortgage failures.
All the banks, including the central bank / (Russian government) which have been kicked off Swift will be in default on their bonds. They're gonna miss payments, even if they can afford them.
This triggers the insurance. The Credit Default Swaps. They are going to pay out big to anyone who took it out.
This is going to send a tsunami of bank failures through the financial system triggering further CDS, it's like a nuclear cascade.
It's gonna be fucking awesome.

That was after 250 trillion dollars were printed and handed out


Russia's debt is fuck all compared to 2008 mortgages. 300bn vs 10tn

our current western leadership consists of intellectual lightweights and legit retards. do not underestimate their stupidity

The giddy and reckless redditors and twitter users have been the worst part of everything except for the senseless deaths. I wish they could be on the front lines instead of russian and ukrainian troops.
Did the west just cause it's own collapse? They can't be that incompetent right? Tucker Carlson can't be right???


People always forget about that tiny hiccup where the market lost a 3rd of its value

They have been building a fortress economy for two decades. I can assure you that every vested player in russia is both prepared for and poised, to the best of their ability, benefit from these sanctions -- as they are 100% anticipated and have been assumed as a matter of statecraft from the origins of Putin's administration. These actions are not the throes of some petulant tantrum, but instead doctrinaire and all aligned to a discernable theme Empire Russia, the true middle kingdom. Our state planners work from a materialist premise and can be easily exploited and manipulated through naivete inherent of materialism/nihilism.
Russia will win this battle but lose the long term war.
There is no such thing as a middle kingdom. There is only /us and all the rest have their identity in relationship to /us. That will be made clear in the sweet by & by.

>"In Ruesia"
user, I...


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I expect it and am never disappointed. The thing about heft is momentum and inertia. There's really nothing left for them but to bloat in the sun and putrefy.
>Where the body is, there the buzzards circle.