Speaks for itself

Speaks for itself.

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Ultra glownigger

>Supporting nazis
He good guy now?

>separatism for me, but not for thee

>Both sides breathe air
>Maybe, the real communists, were the alt right frens we made along the way


Might as well put a rainbow flag too

That means that a true NatSoc should do the exact opposite and support Russia.

Only white incels on the right and brown power on the left support Russia

literally every single personality/politician/journalist that I don't trust is supporting Ukraine. what a coincidence.

>Larping grifters that both shill for the DNC

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never believed it, but now I stand corrected

I cant think of a bigger faggot than someone who supports/follows ecelebs.
I really wish Nick Fuentes faggots would be purged from this sit in particular.
They're faggot grifters, ALL OF THEM

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Ywnbaw and Ukraine will be nuked

I don't give a shit about either
I'm noy gonna console war two shithole Eastern European countries

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People still being up Richard spacker Spencer to this day for some reason.

>Richard Spencer
>Massive Faggot

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Nobody even brought him up lol
Rent free

fuentes is a glowie traitor that's trying to do what Spencer did in 2016

Swiss melted Swiss