Redpill me on Klaus Schwab

Redpill me on Klaus Schwab

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Another chud boogeyman like soros


He really fucking hates bugs and literally wants you to eat them.

Officially nobody knows who his parents are (isn't that strange?). Unofficially Schwab is a name taken by jews.
Regardless he wants a world government and he wants all the people of the world to have no possessions and no power. That's pure evil.

his street name is Wolfenstein

desperately trying to keep what western society has become going by throwing us all into a meat grinder. He is too late. There will be a revolution, or there will be radioactive dust.

He wants you to be happy.

you will eat ze bugs
you will live in ze pod

Just look at that dapper mother fucker.

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Look into stakeholder capitalism. He wants the international community to remodel capitalism around those it affects.
Schizos believe he wants us to eat bugs and live under feudalism.

He's based. Helping Xi and Putin to reset the west.

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>Vladimir....[heavy breathing] I am your daddy.

>Officially nobody knows who his parents are
His mother Marianna Schwab, formerly known as Marianna Rothschild is the daughter of Louis Rothschild.

he's unironically the good guy.

the disinformation on him has been rampant over the past several months to keep everyone slaves.

he's really trying to liberate all of humanity through the whole great reset plan

Difficult to know how much power he actually has.
He runs some sort of school for people that want to be politicians, and has a party every year where he charges world leaders to attend so they can make under the table deals with each other.
But what say does he have?
>You Vill Do Vut I Zay!

Reminder that the World Economic Forum is not an official body of any kind, it's just a bunch of rich econogeeks LARPing at being some new global nobility.

I laughed

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tiny man with tiny peepee cant satisfy his khazar wife

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autor do livro indústria 4.0

owning nothing (das nichts) and living in a dbz pod seems not that bad. think, what other options world leaders are offering us? literally shitty repackaged boomerisms. dunno the guy gives some gamer vibes ngl

hes a pantied onions cake.


Holy fuck the amount of shills in this thread

And you just said he's an idiot
Anyone not completely stupid and if they actually cared about humanity easily knows there are easier and better ways to get that done. Unless you mean "liberate" as in from their lives

Return to castle Wolfenschwab

plus if the pods allow you to off yourself at any given chance, it's like.... perfection?


puppet figure distraction the glowies have convinced Any Forums of being important

Hang yourself with your entrails.

He also dodged 9/11! What a surprise, almost as if his rescheduled event was ordained by G*d!