What currency will russian use in their day-to-day lives when Rubles become worth nothing?

What currency will russian use in their day-to-day lives when Rubles become worth nothing?

Attached: e2c2beb3-9729-4217-9127-1099651472ed.jpg (577x524, 54.38K)

Nothing because their country deserves to wither and die.

Fuck Putin.

Glory to Ukraine.


Damn wait until they learn how much a penny is worth

Bitcoin to store wealth or to send abroad.
Otherwise, hard to say. Gold?

US DOLLAR, we should celebrate the expansion of US hegemony!!!


What do you mean? The Russian ruble has been less than 0.04$ a long time

Dogebonk TICKER DOBO is the new official currency of russia

You will never be a woman

Are you stupid? They're cut from the world, they dont care about your $ dolar valuation of their rubble

The ruble is only worthless to you, it's not worthless to them. And Russia can sustain itself.

Jews fear the Russian, because they don't need a Hebrew bank to give them permission to live.

> thinks Russian produced goods will be affected by currency exchange
read a book while you wait to surrender ivan

>What currency will russian use
Russian mail order brides for large purchases/ shots of heroin and Sips of vodka for day to day necessities.

Runescape coins

I miss when TF2 trading wasn't horribly inflated and crawling with bots and you could actually make profit easily.

Attached: Scream Fortress dont leave.png (1250x1032, 1.29M)

>that pic
That's old news. The real buck breaking commences in several hours when trading starts again after the weekend is over. Early trading already has the ruble dropping another 20%.

Attached: P O L A N D.png (800x800, 429.88K)

Oh god please no. It's already filled with Venezuelans.

Condoms filled with polish sperm.

destroyed BTRs

Slava Ukraini


Biden bux.

Attached: biden-bucks-biden-bill.gif (498x264, 3.84M)

This is dumb, you could say the same thing about 1 yen

it will bounce back the second the war ends

no, no you can't

Attached: yen.png (1043x438, 42.6K)

Ironically, Bitcoin

Dumb Nigger.
You're too stupid to live


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don't feed the trolls

The fuck you on about 1 Ruble is 1.39 Yen just looked it up. Lying fucking faggot

The OP says “1 ruble is worth less than TF2 money”. The same is true for 1 yen.

1 yen = .0086 usd
1 rub = .012

1 rub > 1 yen so it does apply my brainlet friend. Yes ruble just lost a lot of value but what I said is also true.

what the fuck?
the rate itself doesn't matter, the change over time matters. Either you are 16 or paid

Except Japan doesn't have a currency smaller than 1 yen. Russia has the kopek, which is equivalent to the American cent except worth 100x less.

bullets and mushroom tea

Lmao not in the context of TF2 money. You're going for nominal exchange value. But keeping digging you absolute retard.

yeah the tf2 bit is obvious exaggeration (even if it is true). The point is that the yen has gone up relative to the dollar over time while the ruble has not

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I'm buying the dip.

But it's still not worth more, and it's still worth less. Ergo the comparison to TF2 money is stupid as shit. Your first goal post was completely wrong.

Small brain hours on Any Forums rn. Just because you can further subdivide ruble doesn’t change that a ruble is still more than a yen, making the OP image retarded. If japan added a way to have “cents” for yen that also wouldn’t change it.

Gold-backed Ruble.

You people are like tiny little children.

why do nato shills keep acting like this?
do you think it makes you fit in glow nigger?

Exactly. If you want to rip on the drop in value use a comparison that actually fucking makes sense. Retards ffs

Semechki will become new Russian currency

Attached: semechki.jpg (255x198, 13.26K)

Ruble. They can still pay the rent, buy bread, potatoes, butter and gasoline with it. Maybe some clothing too.

I hope Russian anons bought silver. Take not America and the West: you’re next.

currency values don't mean what uneducated people thing they mean

the korean currency is worth even less than the ruble for example

Attached: USD-WON.png (702x297, 10.27K)


Based and Metropilled

Okay, I get that, just show a RUB/USD price chart for the past month and it would accomplish that without stupid video game comparisons that aren’t informative


Yass Slay (yourself) Queen

This play is stale af

HOLY shit south Korea’s currency is BTFO by OP, very smart OP image *clapping*


AK ammo

I hope this is a joke user.

this. Russia is already considering this to bypass sanctions

how do you invest in Rubles?