When is this absolute shit tier "superpower" going to grow some balls? You've had nearly 300 years to get ready...

When is this absolute shit tier "superpower" going to grow some balls? You've had nearly 300 years to get ready, time to step up

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Give our nukes back

Step up and do what?

Not our fight, teanigger.

Bitch, you've had longer than we have to get your shit together. Why do we always have to play savior?

Beat the baddies, obviously

Your country is a laughing stock

And somehow yours isn't?

No it's not, we had an empire, yours never even got started, you're a fucking joke

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The US government (and the people ordering them and the deep state) is the baddies.

you don't have guns and you have to have a license for your TV, don't get me started about being a fucking joke

The US Kike state has military bases in 80 countries (that they tell us about). Its basically an empire.

Felony is a burger word

I've got a gun, here we have a system where we don't hand out firearms to mentalists and it works well.

It isn't, literally



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> Originated from English common law.
Let me guess, I am speaking American, not English, that's why you don't understand.

Got a loicence for tha shitpost mate?

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