Nato acted arrogantly and unlawfully, they forced putins hand
God I wish nato, eu and us politicians were dying en masse in this war, but as always only plebs will lose lives while hunter biden rakes millions off burisma and is having his dick sucked by barely legal whores

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>a fucking croat

based Croat.
Russia wanted peace and prosperity after the USSR collapsed. Putin asked to join NATO and was laughed off. His repeated requests for security guarantees were laughed off and NATO expanded onto Russia's doorstep

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Tell me subhuman- how did a defensive alliance like NATO act unlawfully?

Beware the Ides of March.

yeah yeah Yuri
here have a ruble and fuck off back to your troll farm

By grabbing land for decades? After agreeing not to.

Based talichads about to kill more zogbots

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>Make your citizen’s lives significantly worse due to consequences of a war you started because a country didn’t wanna be your bitch.
Truly based. It’s even funnier because the quality of life of the average Russian was already atrocious.

A defensive alliance can not grab land bruh.

that's because its defensive in name only.

Dude is crying over sanctions. Hes a pussy. Putin the Pussy

Well you see dumb nigger fag, when you station bio weapon labs and threaten to position nukes in a country targeting the one next door you tend to provoke an aggressive response.

You know kinda like walking into a bar and calling the bartender a gay nigger faggot dick duster, kicking over the jukebox, and then ordering a mixed drink from waitress.

Yeah I mean literally all he wants is to undo the western installed puppet. There was a color revolution coup in 2014 to install an anti-russian government in Ukraine. He's just undoing it. The West and Soros did not have to do that, but instead acted aggressively. They are the evil of the world. Russia is just defending itself.


His supposed hyper advanced army is getting btfo by a bunch of farmers so goes into a tantrum and tries to play the only card he has left like a child flipping a table after losing a card game.

dabs on globohomos

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>based cousin fucking mudslimes kill white people defending their homeland

Except that it can
You cant just put missile systems at borders of a country and stonewall its efforts to raise concerns on international instances

After his own election rigging to have his own puppet installed

Best part is his bluff got called immediately

>dEfEnSiVe AlLiAnCe
Nato is globohomo. Globohomo is evil. All measures are justified against evil. Simple as.

Yup, gaynato needs weak countries in their asshole organisation easily to control them, with installation of their puppets

Rest your puny testicles my nigger.

We fought poor dumb farmers in Vietnam, Iraq, Afghanistan, Syria, Libya, Panama, Korea, Philippines, Japan, Germany, France, Egypt, I think you get it?


Well thats why you dont make military decisions in your day to day job. :D


Apparently Russian tanks arent as sophisticated as they claimed. Video of old dilapidated tank captures by Ukraine made me kek.

Go fuck a goat, Mohammed

Remember when a bunch of Arab nations attacked Israel with Soviet weapons and tanks and they were all destroyed by a few Jews in American tanks sitting on top a hill because the Soviet tanks could not fire that high.

desperate cope, not very well market tested

Putin just jealous of Zelensky being younger and more popular and better looking with hair

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the right wing gets wet when they see a strongman
it brings out their inner homo

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>His supposed hyper advanced army is getting btfo by a bunch of farmers

hyper advanced convoy

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But at least it's their own domestic affairs. That's completely different than an enemy installing a puppet government to further aggression against a country.

the gopnik punk pose is the true Putin

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Putin ce u mirovnom dogovoru trazit priznavanje Republika i Krima, ustavna prava za Ruse(2. sluzbeni jezim da je ruski) i Krim i zabranu pridruzivanja NATO-u/ mozda demilitarizaciju.

Zasto demilitarizaciju ako ne zeli okupirat sve? Prijetnja za ubuduce, ali i korist EU federalistima. O EU federalistima: glavni bi bili Francuzi pod Macronom koji godinama zagovaraju stvaranje EU vojske, ali ne mogu je stvorit jer NATO je vec tu da stiti vecinu EU zemalja. Putin je Yeltsinov nasljednik i kao takav je pro-EU sto nije pretjerano cudno. Naime, Rusija se tijekom svoje povijesti se vise puta pokusala pribliziti Europi (Petar Veliki najbolji primjer). Zasto bi Putin onda bio anti-NATO ako je zapadni savez? Razlog je jednostavan, a i dodatan zasto zapadni EU ga ne voli: NATO je savez temeljen na rusofobiji(strahu, a ne mrznju kako bi neki dana uzurpirali rijec fobija), a Amerikanci(i ostatak Anglo svijeta) ga koriste za svoj imperializam(najbolji primjer Irak, sramota da se danas ignorira ociti imperijalizam-pogledati razloge za invaziju one koje su tvrdili i stvarne; medu zemljama koje nisu htjele u Irak su Njemacka i Francuska).

No ako se Putin zeli okrenuti EU zasto je postojala njegova reakcija na Euromaidan 2014? U EU nije bilo ideje za federalizacijom, glavni razlog bi bio UK koji je efektivno bio trojanac za ujedinjenje EUa, i to povijesno, te koji je EU koristio, vise nego ostali, za samo svoju dobrobit. Kao takva EU je bila samo ekstenzija zapadne ideologije iz Hladnog rata pa je i prirodno bila povezana s NATOom (mislim da toj ideji, iako ne znam, pomaze da se ulazak u jednu od tih organizacija povlaci i drugu). Dolazimo do mira: Ukrajina ce se pridruzit EU po brzom postupku, ali kako nece imat vojsku/biti clan NATOa biti ce jaca zelja za Federalnom vojskom EUa, zemlje istocne Europe ce vidjeti da Rusi ih ne zele okupirati (sto je i razumno s Putinove strane jer je vidio sto se dogada ako nekog na silu tjeras u drzavu - SSSR, Ceceni itd., a i naucio da ekonomski prosperitet daje najbolje saveznike) - to se moze vidit iz ponasanja (ili manjka) Ruske vojske(veliko slovo kao naziv vojske valjda) prema civilima. Netko bi mogao rec da je to jer se priprema za okupaciju ili postavljanje svog covjeka na celo Ukrajine no ja smatram da je jako nerazumno jer je vidio sto se dogodilo pro-ruskim predsjednicima(svrgnuti u revolucijama - narancasta i Maidan, jako upitno tko je tu sto radio-dio je opravdan, ali sigurno su se i vise sile(citaj CIA) uplele), a ako i uzme Krim i Donbas (koji su ionako pro-ruski) oslabio bi svoju marionetu. U svakom slucaju, mislim da je Macronov dolazak u Moskvu bio Molotov-Ribbentrop verzija 2.0 te davanje zelenog svijetla za akciju. Zasto onda sankcije i davanje oruzja Ukrajincima? Sankcije slabo utjecu na Rusiju nak i tak i vise su pro-forme, oruzje je mozda mjesavina legitimnih strahova (istocne Europe) i zavaravanje naroda (Njemacka-poslali su oruzje 2 dana nakon pocetka invazije i jako je upitno koliko ce ono uspjet stic u prave ruke).
TLDR: Rusija i EU se pokusavaju rijesit NATOa iz Europe

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