So we still pretending this Russian/Ukraine thing isn't a psyop?

Have we acknowledged that tptb are trying to use Any Forums to spread their propoganda like they did with Covid?
No sourced videos, no stream links mass media coverage.
Remember if it's on the news, it's the Jews.

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They didn't even change up the playbook. We got suckered once, that can happen to anyone. Tptb are good at what they do and they are learning. But I'm not falling for it a second time.
Everything is going according to plan, this is just another step in the controlled demolition of the global economy.

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I'm so excited.

wtf does the pirate bay have anything to do with this

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kek. you children and your anonymus larp. there is no anonymous. Any Forums was anonymous back in the day you idiots. it was an internet-flashmob.

No shit dummy, that's his point. It's clearly boomer tier propoganda.

Bump cause Fuck shills.

Finally some good bread. Sick of the propoganda on here. Bump

It's strange that covid has completely disappeared from the media discourse and public consciousness. In the span of a few days, a supposedly raging global pandemic is almost entirely forgotten. Why?

Remember, none of this is your fault.
All we ever did was try to warn them:
"Hey, maybe it's not a good idea to destroy the economy over a cold"
>Shut up, fascist
"Hey, maybe importing 6 quadrillion immigrants will weaken the cohesion of our nations"
>Shut up, Nazi
"Hey, maybe we shouldn't deliberately give children mental illnesses"
>Shut up transphobe
"Hey, maybe bankrupting the West in a futile attempt to change the weather is a silly idea"
>Shut up, denier
"Hey, maybe borders are there for a reason"
>Shut up, racist
"Hey, maybe elevating incompetent people to positions of influence and power based on the fact they own a non-white vagina might lead to bad decisions being made"
>Shut up misogynist
"Hey, maybe humans lived a certain way for the entirety of existence because it worked, and changing literally everything at once might be a mistake"
>Shut up bigot
"Hey, maybe politicians lie"
>Shut up conspiracy theorist
etc, etc, etc...
Well, they "won". They got their way, while we were expelled from society, from the media, from conversation, from life in general.
Make sure they own it, and do not lift a finger to clean up their mess.

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But they don't want gold in the equation, user. The regime wants a global CBDC, stored in federal bank accounts with adjustable interest rates, backed by nothing, with regular vaccine boosters as a requirement for people to transact with it. They don't want gold in the picture at all.

The switch from covid was too sharp for every non NPC to get along with it. Most zoomers get their knowledge from social media which is heavily censored. They also have automatic triggers installed into them. War creates fear of death and Russia is the evil protagonist now for 20 years, its like a Hollywood movie where you can cheer up the good guys against the bad guys. The attention span of the average zoomer is only few seconds and barely enough to understand this muuh good and evil thing. Most people are stupid and brainwashed, its tiresome but the reality is it doesn't matter. They don't hold any power.

>global cryptocurrency
bingo, we have a winner

also, fill me in on

yeah seems right to me too. Although I do think they will probably consider abolishing fiat money since it clearly shows that it doesn't work.

No one here has any vested interest in the region so it's only a minor happening. If the west wasn't currently anti democracy at this point a good rallying cry would be the preservation of democraticly elected governments. Although with the current admin in contestation and with Canada's recent denial of human rights they currently cannot play that card and must resort to lying instead.

Friendly reminder that a lot of this psy-op shit is being run through Jay (((Leiderman))) now.

It's not about it working or not it is about control.

Fiat works great as a tool of enslavement. It just always ends in hyperinflationary collapse. This time, however, all of the currencies are hyperinflating at the same time

Convoys were becoming too effective of a counter narrative.

Because they're all based off of the USD (i.e. they're 'sub-currencies' of the petrodollar). Its implosion drags everything down.

i'm going to buy some Zero Coin then, cause of the Z. silly but safe bet.