Romanian bros, what are we up to

Romanian bros, what are we up to

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ma pis in chiuveta

I say we need to invade Moldova + Cernauti, Budjak

Fuck ukraine, also know as the globohomo cesspit where US deep state does all the kike business they cannot do home



Fucking baste.

>Romanian bros, what are we up to
I'm wondering how I can open a bank account in China in preparation for the inevitable collapse of the petrodollar and SWIFT. Or to safeguard myself from unpersoning/cancellation by the Khazarian empire.

Ahem, fuck ukr*ine that holds our territories, fuck Russia, fuck the EU, fuck America, fuck China, fuck the Kikes, fuck the faggots in clooj, fuck all redditor r/romania it subhumans, fuck anyone that isn't Romanian, fuck anyone that doesn't understand the 500 iq gigachad medieval voievode mentality,
Yes we WILL built the Cathedral, yes we WILL keep sending gypsies away and replace them with ukrainian qts and yes we WILL switch sides, as many times as it takes.

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Not much, waiting for muscals to make a move.

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It's easy to open off-shore bank accounts, look at offshorecorp talk

Plm dorm ma gandeam sa dau o labă tristă , da nici de labă nu mai am cef

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>Ahem, fuck ukr*ine that holds our territories, fuck Russia, fuck the EU, fuck America, fuck China, fuck the Kikes, fuck the faggots in clooj, fuck all redditor r/romania it subhumans, fuck anyone that isn't Romanian, fuck anyone that doesn't understand the 500 iq gigachad medieval voievode mentality,
>Yes we WILL built the Cathedral, yes we WILL keep sending gypsies away and replace them with ukrainian qts and yes we WILL switch sides, as many times as it takes.
Fucking based. Only virgin white women and girls should be granted asylum in Romania.

Watching Simion go full retard at the protest and supporting him unironically lol

im scared

>Watching Simion go full retard at the protest and supporting him unironically lol
Can't wait for the next elections. I'm tired of voting PRM and having my vote get redistributed cause they've failed to meet the quorum for seats again.


cu cine tinem?
sincer mi se rupe si de ucraina si de putin
plictiseala si nu am niciun film pe care sa vreau sa il vad

>cu cine tinem?
Eu țin cu rușii, nu mă pot abține. Muie SRI.

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mi-e mai mult mila de astia care pun botul la meme cu marea rezistenta. o sa moara ca boii cu molotoavele in mana

mamei ii e frica de atac nuclear si zice sa ne ducem o luna la munte cu chirie.
Ce sa-i zic?

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Waiting to see how the conflict goes, to get in and get cernauti and cetatea alba when no one is looking

zi-i ca nu vr s-o futi

sa nu se uite vreo 2 saptamani la stiri ca asa se previne atacul nuclear

inca 2 saptamani

zic sa sapati un bordei si sa stati acolo ca e mai ieftin decat chiria
merge si prin canale daca n-aveti chef

Where can i find some Ukrainian whores? I wanna do my humanitarian aid, willing to pay 100 euros for an hour with an 8/10 one.



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based violator

avem scut anti-racheta la baza americana din oltenia

jewlinsky ii trimite la moarte singura lmao
cum pula mea sa ii pui sa arunce molotoave in tancuri si cu ditamai protectia pe ei

Romania bros what are we up to Romania bros

la 0,1 secunde dupa ce rusia pune un picior in ucraina, zelenski da arme la babe si vrea ca populatia sa faca rezistenta. dar da, am super armata. yeah right.

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