It's official. Defcon Status has now updated from a 3 to 2. That is the second-highest condition possible

It's official. Defcon Status has now updated from a 3 to 2. That is the second-highest condition possible.

Attached: defcon2.png (1338x863, 334.54K)

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OK? You sub-humans are right next to em. You should be shitting yourself right now


It means literally nothing

We will see you burn from our third world shit holes while dying from Leukemia.
What s time to be alive.

Attached: 1645843252343 (1).gif (766x451, 636.61K)

Brush your teeth Liam

not only is it the highest ever in history - this level of alert was reached only once in the past - during the Cuban missile crisis.
when will the Americans admit that what's happening now is the Russian equivalent of what happened then?

you would be swimming in your own shit without piotr the plumber

It's fucking over

You know this site is not affiliated with US military at all, right? DEFCON is a) classified b) probably replaced with other system by now

Can you give other link than this vpn advertising.

Fucking LARPERS, get out Any Forums

that means that any soldier can engage the enemy at will regardless of orders

Bring of ze nukes baby

Doomsday clock didn't go up and thats what matters fuck off

Fake website, might as well say the Any Forums happening con is at Paul 3

US should not give in. Nuclear holocaust is a small price for freedom of ukraine.

It updates like once a year when the faggy scientists meet.

This site is fake. Hence the .com domain.

Reminder this website is maintained by a teenager.

i only need to go south, OKEY

What happens if reach 1? Kaboom?

K keep me posted.

and what am i supposed to do about that
climb on my roof an cath the ICBMs with my hands

Attached: 1585592335158.jpg (483x589, 53.6K)

Lose some weight and stop idolising niggers, Bob.

I don't give a fuck. I want shit to hit the fan. Our society has been rotten from the inside out, there's nothing left worth preserving destroy it all, wipe humanity off this earth.

Imagine believe in this boomer shit

Defcon level isn't an american government website, the american government does not announce what defcon level they are at.

Anons please stop trusting everything you see on the internet

>when will the Americans admit that what's happening now is the Russian equivalent of what happened then?
So absolutely nothing?

I'm pretty sure we hit defcon 2 during the gulf war

> You should be shitting yourself right now
Because that's what you'd do in Poland's place, right? Just deficate out of fear like some cornered prey?
> The sun has permanently set on the British "empire"
Pussy. Try to have some dignity.

Who cares. If a nuke drops then it drops. I'm going to enjoy living a fulfilling life, however long or short that is

Attached: 1645743605922.gif (498x373, 662.36K)

Meanwhile OP's MEDCON is on TAKE level. Is that good?

Who cares. Bush already did this with his rainbow threat levels

it's fewer than 2 minutes to midnight
(the hands that threaten doom)

>Republican president: Clock moves closer to midnight
>Democrat president: Clock moves back or stays same

Simple as. Kimmy was getting uppity during Obama too but they moved it forward just because Trump was shitposting on Twitter about him. Then Trump flying to NK and shaking hands with the fucker still didn't move the clock back.

Attached: soi clock.jpg (1400x1400, 353.13K)