What the hell are these frontlines

Is this modern war or just incompetence? Securing only the roads sounds like some Hoi4 shit strategy.

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yeah nah, its soviet deep strike doctrin.
"blitzkrieg" looked exactly the same

This is what air supremacy looks like.

information probably is not as accurate as in the map
conquering roads frees up some resources that would've been wasted on overtaking cities
to me it seems like a mix of incompetence and weird blitzkrieg tactics

I was wondering too
I guess its from Ukrainian/NATO/EU/Western/mainstream/Jewish perspective
They have to cope too hard

Like brah

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>OP has no idea how modern warfare works.

This lmao. This is the Blitzkrieg all of you sperg over.

storming cities is retarded and I'm not surprised reddit fags think it is good strategy.

But.. but the ghost of Kiev kill over 6 million Russian fighter aircrafts

Most advanced Russian tactics

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keep in mind this is from copeuamaps


They think it’s a game. Urban warfare is nasty. Treat it like a castle, cut off resources and wait. The people will do the work for you.

Its what we did in Iraq and we absolutely obliterated their supply chains and defense within a month.

modern art

lmao that map is beauitufl. it's something you wouldn't understand, antifag. you don't know how to do anything except attack civilians.

You should kill yourself before someone else does. Russian faggot.

How will you get supplies to your troops besides roads?

No roads, no logistics user, especially in modern times where every army is motorized/mechanized. Besides we are not getting the full story here. If Russian forces are able to march in thin spearheads along so many roads at once it seems the Ukrainian defense is falling apart. Also it seems Chernihiv is at risk of being encircled, putting the Ukrainians in the unenviable position of retreating to consolidate the line or hunkering down in the town for a last stand.

Russia wants to minimize civilian casualties so they just kept to the roads and around the cities

read A Small Corner of Hell: Dispatches from Chechnya to get your answer
tl;dr: the russian army is basically a gang of retards most of whom don't even want to be there.

They have air supremacy and they are going straight to kiev to end the war as fast as possible

most cities cannot last more than a few days without supply.
encircle the city, cut it off, and wait for hunger and internal strife to force the Ukranians until surrender.
added benefit is that a beaten dog rarely bites, so when the Ukranians surrender, they probably won't become insurgents

Taking control of key areas such as airfield, command center/logistics supply, and air defense to establish air superiority is how you win modern wars. Everything else will simply collapse without those.

Ukraine won't be able to resupply encircled cities and towns.

> Looking at hoholmaps
The blank areas do not represent Ukrainian control, mostly it means no one is there.


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Hohol maps is losing it

The Aleppo or Grozny model is out of fashion. Recently with both the Taliban's successful maneuvering and surrounding of ANA cities along with Azerbaijan takinf a similar route while invading Artsakh, Russians are going to try the same thing.

> territory getting smaller and smaller

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