You are being manipulated into believing Russia is the bad guy again

It seems to me that overwhelming majority of people (probably 90%+) are now standing with Ukraine and believe that Russia is the true evil, and that Putin is the new Hitler.
I'll throw some redpills in here and shed some light into what this conflict is all about, but perhaps you are already aware of this info...

I'll begin with Soviet union and its puppet states in Eastern Europe (Warsaw pact) - these countries basically shielded themselves from Western influence during circa 1950-1990, thus the NATO/USA had no power in this region. Eastern Europe had its own little world centered around the USSR and there was very little economical connection between the two ideologies of Capitalism and Socialism (USA/USSR).

Western Europe on the other hand, had a very strong economical relationship with their western counterparts during the entire period of the Cold War, most importantly the USA - which had significant amount of power over its European partners (France, West Germany,etc.), they were all of course also part of NATO, whose "leader" was basically the USA, thus it had the most influence over NATO.
USA simply controlled Western Europe and made signifficant profits in this region during pretty much the entire Cold War, all the way until 2000s.

-To be continued below-

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With the end of the Cold War began an era of peace in Europe. The European union played a huge part in this as it united formerly hostile countries/ideologies together and created many economical opportunities. And most importantly - This also allowed Europe to be signifficantly less dependent on the USA.
Europe simply didn't have many reasons anymore to work as closely with the USA, since it is not practical, mostly due to the relative distance and the fact that the USA is isolated from the Euroasian continent. This also meant that Europe as a whole became a signifficantly closer economical partner with its own EU members and with Russia and China - again, this is heavily influenced by the fact that we are on the same continent (Euroasia) and also the fact that Russia/China were simply not seen as a threat by European countries anymore, but rather they were now seen as economical partners. And this is where the USA was already aware that it was loosing its influence.
Lets just ask ourselves now - Why do we Europeans need the USA when it is much more practical and cheaper to do business with China/Russia ? Whether Americans like it or not, it simply makes more sense from our perspective.

So, we now know that USA is the one that is causing all the shit. So what steps has the USA taken since this realisation that they are loosing their influence in the world ?

1. Active expansion of NATO (Keep in mind that NATOs main purpose was to provide collective security against the Soviet Union/Warsaw pact) - NATO simply had no reason to exist anymore after the wall of USSR. Ever since the 1990s, it seems to me that NATOs main goal now is to basically push Russia as far as possible, even though Russia has taken basically no hostile steps towards its european western borders until 2014(Crimea).

2. Active anti-Russian and anti-Chinese propaganda - this is heavily present in European media, thus making us believe that Russia and China are our enemies and the USA are our saviors, even though we had no conflict with Russia and China in recent history.

3. Active raiding of Middle Eastern countries by the USA. I can't even name all the shit USA has caused in the last several decades, but we all know just about everything it has done in the recent history.

4. Active attempts to create some form of conflict in the world, and also Europe, from which they can profit and regain their influence in the region.

5. Actively demonizing any sort of steps Russia and China take - they basically never say anything positive about any of them. The USA is simply stuck in the Cold war era from which everyone else has gotten away at this point. This is clearly visible in Europe, where no one even thinks of war anymore (except Balkans of course) - this was totally unthinkable throughout the 20th century, which was a total fucking shitshow for Europe.

USA has a strong influence in the EU, this is unfortunately because the EU has no strong leaders and European countries as a whole don't have any strong leadership, thus it is quite easy for the USA to push the politicians to do as they say. This influence has however gotten weaker over time as EU has become more dependent on China and most importantly Russia.
Whether the EU likes it or not, Russia is simply more important to them economically than USA, simply because Russia provides most of Oil/Gas to Europe.

With the withdrawal of americans from Afganistan, Americans have actively looked for another place on this planet that they could dig into - And there it was, UKRAINE.

And that is where we are now in 2022. The USA has sucessfully taken control in Europe again as they brainwashed Europeans into thinking that Russians are evil, even though they are the ones who took active steps to escalate the situation.

The constant pressure on Russia from the USA has caused Russia to finally take the steps necesarry to stop the active expansion of the USAs influence and nonstop raiding that it has caused over the course of several decades all around the world.

Pol doesn't support Ukraine or Russia. We are united against Globohomo, embodied by Jewish governments around the world (Zelendky, Trudeau are WEF puppets). We want to go back to biology where men are men, women are women.

What are Americans doing right now ? They are just adding more gas to the fire that is Ukraine. They are actively escalating the situation and thus totally destroying any potential economical relationship between Europe and Russia in the near future. Why do you think guys like Macron tried to solve this shit without causin a war ? Why do you think Germany was so careful about the steps the were about to take ? Because they realise the potential shitshow that war with Russia causes as a consequence. Such conflict between Russia and Europe has little to no consequences for the USA ! We are once again under American influence, which is of no benefit to any of us, in fact, it is destroying us. And of course, the USA benefits off of all of this.

We saw recently what happens when we try to shift away from Russian gas/oil - the price of gas is just totally unbelievable now as a result of the conflict. I don't even want to refill the tank in my car right now, because a liter of diesel is literally like 1.5 Euro for a single liter of diesel. This is totally unsustainable in the long run.

With all this info, no one will ever make me hate Russia or China again, because I see who the real enemy is. I see what americans have historically tried to do under the excuse of "spreading democracy". That does not mean that I approve the killing of Ukrainian soldiers and civilians in the current conflict, but at the same time I understand why Putin did all of this.

I call for the total destruction of the USA and its influence. If there is ever a WW3, Americans, better hope you don't come across me. The hatred I have for that country is unbelievable.

OP is a faggot and a retard

Both sides are kikes, you really needed to type all of this shit out?

Russia IS the bad guy because they're not us. That's how it works, you tranny faggot. Never takes sides against the family.

Take your meds, Ivan.

Are Czechs the real niggers ofEurope?

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I'm not falling for it. Countries that wave the rainbow flag are the true enemy of humankind

Bumping for effort

So leave NATO and wait till russians install a puppet govt and occupy your country if you don't comply.

Sound good?


Most of that is correct, yes USA is pissed because the trade with Russia but you miss that no Easter European country want the Soviet Union back, other than Belaruss, yes the USSR means poverty, ofc nobody want the Americans here neither.

>the bad guy again
always has been you tankie piece of shit

>hostile forces enter your nation and force you into their Soviet collective
>voluntarily joining NATO to safeguard independence and guarantee another nation will not invade you again

These are not the same thing, blyat!

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Both sides are fucking jews. But i have an issue with whoever the aggressor is.

I know from my great-grandfather that russia is the bad guy, nigger.I don't need to read anything or believe any propaganda.

Fuck russia, and also fuck USA globohomo, both ran by kikes.Yet i don't see anyone but Putin starting conflicts.
Go to russia if you like that shithole

I never liked russians, you people are scum

I also dont believe that Russia should have any sort of influence over its former allies from the cold war like it used to, and I never even mentioned it, but as you said yourself, no one wants americans here neither.

He stranded them at the train

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So, if Russia invades your country, you'll be cheering them on?

They are not 90% of the shills are getting while the getting is good though.

Explain the blue bit here.

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west berlin you uneducated moron

Sweden demands the artifical made up country "Russia" back. You have no right to roam as a free ppl!
And if you dont agree with me... well, then you have been brain washed my friend!

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West Berlin. East and West Berlin were considered occupied until the fall of the Berlin war and the reunification of Germany.

West Berlin

Hi Petr aka Sasha via VPN,

Stick this bullshit in your mouth and jew it, your 60p per post is worth even less now.
If russia was good place to live noone would divert from it. You are piss and shit land.
Good luck cure your senses with cheap vodka and pray vlad for dick cream.

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Ukraine's govt is hand picked by warmongering cunts that want nothing more than a unipolar, weak willed world. Victoria "fuck the EU" nuland said porkoshenko was "(((their))) guy"

Retards, read the whole thing. No one is saying we have to go back to 1980s again. But realise that NATO/EU and the USA in particular are not in our favor neither. They are actively doing everything in their power to escalate the current conflict.

Thanks guys.

>Fall of the Berlin wall