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But why they want peace talks if they are winning?

Bullshit, this kike just wants non kikes to die.

Smart choice. If Belarus declares war, he gets captured immediately.

>sacrifice thousands of people in a pointless bravado act
>actually we're ready for to talk about a ceasefire now

Because that's a lie. Just like everything else that comes out of globohomo media.

W-what? why they crusing the russians by millions per second??

Come to Israel

Holy shit nice get

Why would they capture a bunch of diplomats? That makes no sense.

Belarus bros, I don't feel so good

Russia shouldn’t stop, it’s just time wasting

But our media says that delegation is already on its way to Gomel.

Belarus has already de facto declared war, since they allow Russians to use their territory and airports to launch attacks against Ukraine. It's a hostile country at this point

He literally called for peace talks hours into the war. Remember even the staunchest Ukrainian nationalist never thought they could win this. Only make it painful for the Russians.

They want Z to travel outside of Ukraine so he can be detained

>Doing a presser in the t-shirt you wore to bed last night, nipples protruding
Very disrespectful

Attached: UKR.jpg (1904x975, 433.26K)

Because it's not a video game and it's not about wiping out the enemy army?

The Ukrainian wins just keeps stacking up as the Russians get closer to the Presidential Palace in Kyiv.

The peace talks WILL be held in Kyiv and that's that. Take it or leave it, Putinbot!

5 minutes ago he was at the frontline on the battlefield and killing 1000 russians with mr. black bear and ghost of keev and now he is doing a press conference. What a chad.

Ukrainian counterattack pushes into Moscow and takes it. Renames it Moskiev.

Of course he can't do it in Belarus when he is not near Kev at all. Probably left Ukraine, and those selfie videos were filmed earlier.

They've both been wanting peace talks since the beginning

It's Russia who asked for peace talks. Without any prior conditions. They probably need time to regroup and rethink the plan for the invasion. Or the sanctions are really hurting them, and they want things to go back to normal.

It's posturing. If he doesn't pretend to be into peace talks, they 100% will use it to drum up support to Russian retards. "evil Ukrainian jew no want peace, WANT WAR?!?!"
so he counters with "lets do it in a neutral country faggot" knowing they'll refuse