A Bulgarian's opinion

I'm going to make so much fucking money from this war, investing in Russian stocks and just...everything is pushed down right now because of the war and drama.

Meanwhile everyone here is trying to make fun of putin and russia, like im supposed to care, or get emotionally involved. Your retarded opinion and shilling means shit to me. Everyone with 50+IQ knows russia is trying to take their government using chechens because no one cares if they die. they are the front line peon orcs. And they are brute force. Why send your own Russians to die and lose morale home?

Here's a newsflash: Russia and China are going to rule the world in the next 5 years. NATO and EU are a JOKE. No one fucking did anything to stop putin. The sanctions...mean shit. Russia is supplying gas to all of europe. Russia and china have far more resources and power than america and eu combined.

Im making money..and i love seeing ukranian office roasties raped by chechens. Now they wont be on linkedin telling people "whats appropriate to post" and writing retarded shit. Now they are getting skull-fucked.

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b-based ?
what stocks are you investing in ?

For the last 5 days ive seen NON-STOP shilling here how "russia is losing the war" and "they are the laughing stock" and it puzzles me.

You have to be an absolute fucking retard to believe ukraine ever stood a chance. Ukraine is weaker than fucking bulgaria - a joke of a country.

Russia wrecked all your air force and air fields, and was on the outskirts of kiev in day 2. And thats them trying to only fight the military and not mass murder civilians. If russia wanted to just carpet-bomb everyone...they would have done "shock and awe" like america did in iraq.

This war will continue until russia and china spread almost to central europe. OH ANY ONE MORE THING!!!

Did we forget USA had biolabs in ukraine? making BIO WEAPONS like COVID..on the outskirts of russia. If russia didnt bomb them they would have unleashed bill gates new small pox. So russia pretty much fucked with their vaccination and population reduction plan.

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This, asking for a chum.

I don't disagree.

so far i only had american war stocks - GD, lockheed, raytheon, and some pharmaceuticals. good value dividend stocks. And my portfolio is doing pretty good because these stocks didnt crash. i outperformed the S&P500, even though i just begin going into stocks 2 months ago. its a no-brain move to invest in war and pharma.

But now i heard interactive brokers have access to the russian exchange and it appears i can directly invest into russian bonds, funds and stocks.

I will pick again - major pharma and war companies...and maybe gazprom.

Based. Bulgaria is a noble country with a proud history.

.how do we buy Russian stocks?

it seems interactive brokers have access to them "For now"

but its not impossible for them to say tomorrow "we ban russian stocks because we support ukraine lol XD" and just rape your ass.

basically this week i will research the top pharma/war/utility companies in russia and start investing. Im not sure how good info you can get online even on russian corps...but i will do what i can.

We all know that russia and china are expanding right now and becoming the real superpowers....so whatever war/pharma/utility corps they have....will be the new top stocks. literally bitcoin 2.0

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>I will pick again - major pharma and war companies...and maybe gazprom.
Гaзпpoм e дoбъp вapиaнт, desu.

>Russia and China are going to rule the world
Why does Russia keep us dollar reserves and not the other way around?
Why does Russia uses SWIFT but nobody uses SPFS?

don't buy Russian stocks retards

I'm not saying that buying them is a bad economic decision. I'm saying that an embargo is about to follow and your precious little IOUs are about to be invalidated, especially if it's through some meme like IB.

Buy bitcoin instead. Russia shilled BTC recently as an aggressive replacement of the dollar and the sanctions by the west. They will pump it to a million soon.

i dont know...im not an expert.
but i know EU is shutting down nuclear power plants and choosing to enslave it self to russia.
thats their fucking choice.
Im here to make money. Seeing arrogant office roasties getting raped by chechens is a bonus.

Russia and China have their own economy. And nobody is going to ban russia from swift because EU cant get their GAS without swift.

Russian brothers were our liberators both from the Ottoman hordes and Hunnic fascists, I stand with them.

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Because it's economy is weak and unreliable. That's why Russia can't project any type of power beyond chechnia and few central Asian countries who have no choice

slow down there buddy.
I mean we have BTC too. and BTC is a pretty good investment right now, probably better than any stock.

But we still need to diversify.
Stocks on revolut are not IOUs. You own the stocks and you get dividends.
Stocks on IB from what i understand are also real stocks with dividends, they use raifaissen russia to make the purchases.

Now if you were buying CFDs and ETFs..yeah..they can fuck your ass with those every day. but i dont want to buy CFDs.

Of course....the question is what is stopping revolut and IB to fuck you in the ass anyway....UBS fucked people just yesterday and they were a respected bank.

You know there are bank runs happening in Russia right now? I wouldn't be surprised if Russia accidentally bankrupts itself.

i dont know if we would have been better off as part of russia.
By all means im an IT fag. in russia occupied bulgaria i would have to work in some factory and be bullied by some fag until i stab him to death.
in EU bulgaria at least i get to work for a western company and live a good life.

But it doesnt change the fact that US and EU screw bulgaria...always. their plan was for us to take all the refugees. They forced LGBT faggotry on us.

it doesnt matter. Russia is going to win this war..and the EU will crack apart.
Thats all that matters. You either invest and make money from reality...or you stay talking politics and rooting for the jews.


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russia cant go bankrupt.
this is not like lazy americans who without tiktok and netflix and oreos surrender on day 3.

russians are used to living like shit, eating shit and surviving winter.
They have fucking jarred preserves for fuck sake.

No one cares about the masses. Its the moves the oligarchs make that are important. And the oligarchs are going to all invest now in russian stocks at an all time low...knowing russia is going to become more powerful than ever in the coming years.

EU will capitulate...and withdraw their sanctions. This is the first time we actually see russia starting to impose their own sanctions and closing air space.

russia causes the demise of jewish elites and their shabbos goyim golem caused degeneracy. they do the ungrateful janny work bringing things back in order removing the parasite at its core, the world jews tried to destroy and cause chaos

Stfu larping incel

Okay but can you bring my wallet back?

Never seen a more based post here

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damn based