Russia threatens terror against China, India

Dmitry Rogozin, the head of Russia’s space agency, threatened to crash the International Space Station into China or India in retaliation to U.S. sanctions.

"There is also the possibility of a 500-ton structure falling on India and China. Do you want to threaten them with such a prospect? The ISS does not fly over Russia, so all the risks are yours. Are you ready for them? Gentlemen, when you plan sanctions, check those who are planning them for disease."

Eщe ecть вapиaнт пaдeния 500-тoннoй кoнcтpyкции нa Индию и Китaй. Bы хoтитe им yгpoжaть тaкoй пepcпeктивoй? Haд Poccиeй MКC нe лeтaeт, пoэтoмy вce pиcки - вaши. A вы к ним гoтoвы?
Гocпoдa, вы кoгдa caнкции плaниpyeтe, пpoвepяйтe тeх, ктo их гeнepиpyeт, нa пpeдмeт бoлeзни

Attached: Captureds.png (590x429, 44K)

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Hw did not threaten us ,but said that there could consequences from India. And China if the ISS falls over us by deliberate actions of USA

Based hope Russians kill every Anglo, German and slavshit bootlicker in that depressing radioactive shithole

Can I just ask something?

What made you put that period there?

I don't really that if you should put a period before or after but. Whichever one is right ,i guess. Btw, Shinzo Qbe wants nukes for Japan ,right ? What do you think about it ?

This is getting sad now.

The way bigger problem is his placement of the comma.

why so mad shitskin?

Attached: 1645966765092.png (500x822, 521.03K)

>blue and yellow profile pic
Putin-sama, please send this Ukrainian supporter to penal battalion.

rogozin shut the fuck up you ugly ass russian nigger go crash it and we will fuck you

Oh well , this article may help clear it up.

Attached: translated.jpg (590x429, 114.88K)

They have twitter in space?

>Get sanctioned by USA
>Crash ISS into China
Uuuuuh.... Wat?

Did you miss Hell March playing in the sticky?

hahaha he said britain or america haha nice try japanazi

Rogozin is a thief and a rat, even Putin aligned people admit this
He has not doing a single thing for Russian space program, zero advancement, only thing he did was exploit existing soviet space infrastructure to capitalize on satellite launch industry.
He is a retard.

Индия и Китaй

why do english fags like you like to lie?

spoken like a true english teacher

Based Elon has already BTFOed the hysterical old fart.