What if there's no actual fighting going on?

What if there's no actual fighting going on?

Attached: Screenshot 2022-02-27 194123.png (596x494, 319.68K)

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Then it would be the greatest illusion since 9/11

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There isn't. Well done.

Nah, that greater illusion was COVID
We on a rollercoaster of fake shit since 9/11

i know multiple people who have relatives in ukraine and for them its very real.

9/11 was more significant than Covid. Look by how fast Covid was dropped when juggling two fictional stories got too silly.

>runs away like its nothing
mustve been .22lr

Wtf source

She died bro

cant remember the last time a helmet saved a life

It's not a competition but i choose COVID, it happened with people having access to unlimited information but they chose the TV to inform them
In 2001 you could be forgiven for trusting the MSM, in 2020 you'd have to be a fool to believe any of it

I hate reporters so fucking much bros

its just media reporters reading narrative in random cities away from frontline larping like they are being shelled

where was that?

Any more webms of journos dying? Asking for a friend.

You sound retarded lol


Why is there no real war footage coming out? Not even any aftermath pictures? Does russians and ukrainians not have phones? Every single russian person has a dash cam they instantly uploads to youtube when something happens and only the three same pictures of this war being recycled infinitely?

don't question the narrative user
the jab is safe and effective, the russians are invading and joe biden is americas most popular president.

>What if there's no actual fighting going on?
Everything is propaganda and false flags, They've successfully fooled everyone with a fake virus so why not a fake war?

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