This meme is so true

This meme is so true

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me on the right

Ukraine is a NATO puppet state funded by the CIA and George Soros after the 2014 coup.
Its masters are Jewish oligarchs that have stolen the country.

Eastern Ukraine did not recognize the illegitimate violent Kiev junta that took over.
For 8 years
These civilians endured shelling, bombing and harassment by brainwashed neo-nazi LARPers who have been tricked into anti-Russian sentiment by Globohomo. Remember Bandera? Remember the Odessa massacre? Remember Poroshenko's threats?

Putin has had the patience of a saint.
>waited 8 years
>with NATO's aggressive eastward expansion
>exhausted all peaceful solutions, dialogue, talks, diplomacy, treaties
>invades with one hand tied to his back
>uses only a fraction of his forces
>tries to minimalize civilian casualties
>only targets the Kiev globohomo regime forces

Russia could carpetbomb and conquer the entire country in a few days if they really wanted. But bloodshed (especially between ethnic brothers) is not the goal. The goal is eliminating the factions of the 2014 coup, so Ukraine can be great again and not under the influence of western parasites who suck the country dry.

Have you Ukrop shills not learned from Syria? Libya? Georgia? Serbia?
Everything NATO touches turns to shit.

Russia are the good guys. No amount of western propaganda, distortions of reality and fabricated stories will change this.

Hunter Biden's laptop

Yeah, Russian supporters are embarrassing

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Based. Send mudslimes as cannon fodder.

Look, basically, I'm just not gonna support The Ukraine.

I know...
Ughhhh... I know!
I'm sorry!!!

It’s just that I’m not going to support them (The Ukraine) is all.


Also, Kiev*

Reddit hands made this image

Except the women are fleeing to other countries and getting fucked while the men die for nothing.

Yeah can't argue that...

I actually believe any pro-russian propaganda and find this image offensive

100% correct

The Pentagon can't meme

Don't care didn't read. Death to Putin Cлaвa Укpaїнe!!!!

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These are the best memes that glowies can make.

russian soldiers, special forces need to take putin out. i kinda feel bad even for those russian kids. you can see they dont want to be there even when confronted by ukraian civilians they wont look into their eyes.

Wonder how long the rusbot are going to keep getting paid after the Russian ban on SWIFT

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Its up to Ukraine to sort their own issues, not fucking Russia, its completely irrelevant if NATO installed a puppet through deception and corruption, Putin should do the same if he cares so much. Sending in the army would cause innocent deaths regardless therefore from any perspective Russia are the villains and deserve all the criticism they are getting

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You post this while Soros openly announced his support for Ukraine

b-b-b-but you don't get it ukraine is globohome because muh nato and muh soros and muh muh muh IT'S GLOBOHOMO OK JEWTIN IS THE SAVIOUR OF THE WHITE RACE OK

Of course he was going to do that, doesn't absolve the fact that jewtin is also a jewish proxy

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I've seen tons of porn of Ukraine sluts they are not tradwifes at all

>"muh jews" haha you're so stupid
>but also, muh jews

Wall of text, KEK, do you get paid by the length of post ivan?

The hohol/cia shilling here is insane
Fight for ukraine If you love it so much faggots

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this is correct. ignore all shills.

Both sides are fake and gay and it would be better if both armies would turn their guns on the people telling them to fight each other.

lol. there's a reason putincels are either paid or mentally ill borderline retarded subhumans.

Incorrect, fucking retards.

Then what's Azov?

When are the ruskies going to dresdenize Kiev, then?

I bet your IQ is below 70.

>non aggressive white nation
How much do they pay you nigger shills?

if George Soros had even a tenth of the money and influence you all seem to think he has, he would be emperor of the goddamn universe

cope and seethe bootlicker

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It's literally true, the russhills are so deluded that they fail to see that their oh so based leader is a fucking jew, his mother was a kikess ffs

This war is literally jew proxy vs jew proxy and no one can stand to gain anything from it except the MIC and the jews themselves

This shit is fucking pathetic.

If anyone here is falling for this, I feel bad for you.

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you're next estonia.