Invade a country with a jewish president and prime minister to liberate it from neo-nazis

>invade a country with a jewish president and prime minister to liberate it from neo-nazis
guys, how does that work exactly?

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Google Azov Battalion.

Your thread will be mysteriously gone within 10 minutes for asking that question

if I ever saw a woman making this face in a camera I'd beat the shit out of them

globohomo magic

The synagogue of satan will play on whatever side is required to get what they want.

*out of her

>Jewish man leads from the front line to defend a Christian European nation

id sex her

Based Jewtin said so

>lets all the jews escape safely
>forces all goy men to stay back and fight

Jewish from the high grounds ordered jews in russian to invade jews in ukraine to make the nigger cattle masses forget about covid, mandates, insurrections for a while.
It works like that.

its almost like hes talking shit you complete disappointments lmao

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oh no! the manlet's 'newer world order' russo-chinko alliance against nato & uncle sam isn't working. the ruble is just about worthless you say? now russia is in the same category as venezuela, iran, north korea----a giant basket of super deplorable faggots if you ask me!

I dunno because the Nazis had been useful idiots and were instrumental in the coup d'etat.

>muh they're nazis & that's bad
google sjw
based ukraine
manlet btfo

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of course you would
that's all you ever do

>guys, how does that work exactly?
Imagine being this ignorant of Ukraine.

It's probably the most far right, white supremacist country on the planet.

They literally have nazi brigades in their military.

yea because I'm based

Its genius. All antisemites will want to kill kike president. All russ mutts will want to kill nazies.

it's about oil user
it's always about oil

>what like that doesnt make any sense dude
is there a reason none of you can pick up on someone making fun of you and the way western nations speak? autism?

didn't know you were an sjw like the manlet & his vatniks

Chink hands typed this

youre actually taking everything these people say as literal. are you fucking retarded lmao?

that's not how you spell 'incel'


It's a kind of magic...

clearly a violent fag

I'm trying to make sense of Putin's motivation
his discourse pretty much made sense
except for that part
nice meme flag btw

Google russian neonazis.

>covid, oil
whatever... both are tools of power
Do not make the mistake not even for 1 second to think that their are fighting for muh oil. It does not work like that.
They already have all the Earth's oil, all of Earth resources.
What you are seeing is just a theather

the Jews orchestrated the holocaust, what do you expect?

Of course chinkstralia likes the ugly plastic surgery chink

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